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Eve ♡


'Awww, you two are so cute!'

Having let Mingi and Yunho inside, Wooyoung felt a secret little pang of contented giddiness as he returned to San's side on the carpet in front of the couch and San instantly came crawling up to him, clingy and affectionate and all things adorable.

Mingi's awed coo however had been half wrong. San, was cute. Singular, not plural. He was being so cute. He'd begged to stay home from work after their naked expedition in the shower, and nearly cried when he'd had to go. The moment he'd gotten back home from the studio, he'd immediately clung to his side, and honestly...

He kind of loved it.

Usually in all his past relationships, he was the one clinging to them. Batting eyelashes and pouting lips for attention...

But to have San so cuddly and soft—especially after knowing just how tough and manly he could be... It only added to his charms.

'Are you warm, Sannie?' he asked quietly, just between them. The sun was still up outside in the afternoon, but it was cold nonetheless, and reaching up, he fixed San's hoodie around his neck. He'd kind of done it to satisfy his own want to fuss over him, but San's cheeks blushed as he cuddled into his side, head tucked into his neck on his shoulder.

So beautifully passive.

Mingi giggled as he led Yunho over to sit with them, eyeing his friend. 'Sannie bear~ You're looking very pouty today~' he teased.

San only pouted more, bravely not moving from his spot tucked into his side.

It melted at his soul.

He lifted an arm around San's broad shoulders to let him sink in more closely, and not only did it awaken butterflies in his tummy, but the way San pressed a soft kiss into his collarbone was the arrow to his heart.

'Sang is coming overtoo after he finishes work,' he said, trying to force himself to concentrate. There was an important task at hand.

But first—because ✨priorities✨...

Eyeing Yunho sitting down with their kitten in his hands, he reached out and made grabby hands in his direction. 'Mittens!'

She was so freaking adorable as her ears pricked up and she looked towards him. 'Here kitty!~'

She leapt from Yunho's hands and stumble-pounced across the carpet until she was in his lap.

'Oh sweetheart, aren't you just the cutest little ball of joy in the whole world?' he breathed, not only melted by her, but also San patting her as well, eyes so filled with softness as he left his head on his shoulder and gazed down at her with a smile.

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