890 🃏 Night Out For The Big Kids

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Eve ♡


Photo credit: onlyinourstate.com

If Felix had thought rewiring his entire brain surrounding his best friend would be hard, he'd had not a single fucking clue how hard it would be, having to then navigate how to not fuck up in front of their friends, but also avoid having to deliberately misgender Hana.

His brain was fucking melting, and although weeks had gone past, it wasn't getting any easier.

Hana had made him swear not to tell anyone her secret, and although he wished she would consider telling everyone herself, he had learned very quickly how closed she was to the idea. There was not a chance in hell she was "coming out," or whatever it was called, even though he knew there wasn't a single scenario in which anyone would react badly. He supposed it wasn't just them she was scared of though. For years, she'd lived as Jeonghan...

Either way, his hands were tied.

After some of the most incredibly shameful accidents misgendering her to her face since he'd found out the truth, he'd finally managed to rewire his brain enough to—at the very least—not fuck up and call her by anything other than Hana, or call her a guy in the present tense. It became harder when he recalled their history, and he'd rather pull teeth than think about all the times he'd slipped up. But she seemed to have reached a point where it made her giggle... Like it was fascinating to her... Amusing even...

She rarely seemed upset anymore by the misgendering, even going as far as to have said one night, "It's okay, Lix, I promise~ You know the truth, and that's more than I'd ever imagined... Besides, I kind of like being Jeonghan from our past... It gives a separation from then and now."

He had not a fucking clue how that worked, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

He still tried really fucking hard not to fuck up.

However since they'd started hanging out with their friends again, he'd realised that the mammoth task, was so much fucking bigger than he'd originally planned.

'Hyung~' Younghoon teased Hana as their group of friends sat like total idiots in a ball pit in an enormous children's indoor playground on "adults night." 'Think quick,' he taunted.

And in the corner, as Hana's face flushed with confusion, as she abruptly reached up to catch the red ball Younghoon tossed gently in her direction, eyes on the ball, as she nearly caught it, suddenly, like something out of a horror film, she disappeared beneath the ball pit like a swimmer taken by Jaws.

'Ahhhh!' Hana screamed, disappearing entirely with just the balls moving above her.

Felix's eyes widened as he immediately launched towards the movement to try to find her and pull her back up.

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