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Eve ♡


Hana nibbled on her lip, standing leant against her bathroom doorway. Nerves were absolutely alive inside of her, but all of the trouble she'd had building up the courage to open the door, had been mostly wiped away when she looked out to find Felix where'd she'd left him, laying on his stomach across the foot of her bed, flicking through Instagram.

She had absolutely no idea what he was watching, listening to the sounds of crackling and popping like fire and rain. But whatever it was, it must have been interesting, for it had his attention entirely captivated, not even noticing her emerging from the bathroom.

He looked effortlessly good, with his sweater pulled around his shoulders, torso propped up on his elbows, ankles crossed hanging off the bed. So manly. Nothing like her. Strong, broad shoulders. Sturdy chest. Sharp jaw. His hair kind of stood up a little now that it was shorter, his nape kind of spiky where it was so short one wouldn't even be able to run their fingers through it, so much as over it...

The longer she stood there, the more her nerves began to seep away, simply out of distraction. It was late. Without looking at a clock, it must have been around eleven or twelve. They'd already been to dinner with their friends, and then chatted for ages since coming home. However her corset of bandages had been starting to give her sharp pains in the chest and stomach, telling her it had been too long cooped up in them, and she'd bitten down to keep moans of pain inside and excused herself to shower—her excuse to get the hell out of her straight jacket.

She'd not planned her after shower actions very well though, and forgotten to grab extra clothes... Jeonghan clothes...

She supposed, that was how she ended up witnessing Felix finally look up from his phone, and do a double take over her, Instagram reel entirely forgotten.

Suddenly, those nerves flowed back strong, feeling naked in front of him... A single slightly cropped long sleeved top, not nearly as ill-fitting as she'd have liked, and straight leg sweatpants that were also, not nearly as baggy as she'd have liked.

They were by no means clinging to her, but she felt incredibly self conscious...

And Felix's reaction was more than enough to prove that her attire was definitely out of the ordinary.

'I'll change,' she blurted out quietly, biting into her lip and searching desperately for her nearest boy hoodie, and a pair of socks.

She'd been just about to lunge for the jumper hanging on the back of her door, when Felix suddenly pushed to sit up, reaching out and catching her wrist. 'You don't have to,' he said gently, and with it, slowly, he guided her toward him until he could take her other hand in his. 'This is your place. You don't have to hide under your own roof.'

She swallowed, uncomfortable and shy, but also with her heart fluttering beneath it all. They'd been "subscribed" to dating for a week—most of which had been spent with her back at work. They'd texted plenty, and he'd come to see her after work, but it was finally the weekend, they'd been out all day and all night, and for the first time, they had time to themselves...

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 5Where stories live. Discover now