931 🩺 I'm So Sick Of Naming Chapters ☠️

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Eve ♡


Jongho thought Yeosang was the most fucking adorable thing waking up on mornings he didn't have to go to work. He always made adorable little cute hums as he curled into his blankets tightly, before relaxing and sinking into the softness beneath him with his nose tucked into the pillow and blankets, and his hands curled up by his cheeks. The way he curled and uncurled his toes, humming into the warmth was the cutest thing he'd ever witnessed...

Even his yawns were fucking adorable.

Anyone would think Yeosang's favourite place in the whole entire world, was right there in his bed.

He wasn't sure he could blame him either, because through the ajar door—that had made him rather uneasy, like a teenager with their crush over being watched—he could hear the morning movement beyond. The sound of morning yawns and quiet foot falls. Happy baby coos. The sound of fresh coffee being brewed with the scent wafting through the home. A tap turning on for a moment, then off. A fridge opening and closing. Toaster popping. Quiet breathy laughter. A butter knife being put on a crockery plate...

When he'd first awoken, he'd been disoriented as hell, because—minus the baby voice—those were the sounds he remembered from his childhood. From a time when his father had still been with them. He'd thought he was dreaming, and it had taken a long time to realise what it truly was he was hearing.

So he understood why waking up here, was such a fond thing for Yeosang.

He still couldn't quite believe he'd spent the night...


Lips curling up at the adorable sound, he rolled towards where a brunette head of hair was splayed out over his shoulder, and reached up to gently cup his cheek, brushing his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. 'Mm~ Morning sleepyhead~'

Yeosang hummed a more awake sounding noise this time, and sucking in a deep breath, he turned and flattened his entire body to his, face tucked into his chest and all his limbs curled into him.

He hugged him, floored by how fucking cute he was. 'Did you sleep well?' he asked, pressing a kiss into the top of his head.

Yeosang hummed. 'Very~' His voice was raw from the first word he'd spoken for the day, but it was probably his favourite tone on him. 'You?'

He couldn't help his lips twitching up. 'As good as one can, with the door open.'

Yeosang snorted softly, slipping an arm under his shirt and over his waist. 'You sound like Woo's boyfriend.'

He could understand where the man had been coming from. 'You weren't kidding when you said this was an open door household.' Hell, Seonghwa had showered with the door half open last night. Not even Hongjoong had clicked it closed when he'd washed up, leaving it open just a fraction.

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