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Eve ♡


Car coming to a stop out the front of his apartment block, Yeosang felt his heart fluttering, knowing this was it. After finishing what had been an—albeit fully expected, but no less exhausting—chaotic dinner with Jongho's friends, followed by a long walk along the river, hand in hand, talking between themselves, the night had finally come to an end. Many hours had passed in the blink of an eye, and no matter how much he tried to tell himself otherwise, it still felt too soon to part.

'Jong,' he whispered, pulling his sleeves down over his hands and turning to face him in the drivers seat.

'Yeah Sang? You okay?'

He smiled, nodding as his heart fluttered like he was a teenager all over again. 'I know this wasn't part of our plan, but...' His heart thudded in his chest. '... Do you maybe want to come up with me?'

Silence filled the car, and he wasn't sure whether it was too soon, but he really wanted him to come with him—wasn't ready to part yet—and it was the only way...

'What about your family?' Jongho asked quietly.

He felt the nervous flutter in his stomach, knowing the chances his family would be—for a lack of better words—unimpressed, was rather high, however inside, he couldn't help it...

He leant across the centre console and pressed his hands to his chest, arching up to press a soft kiss against his cheek... One that Jongho softly moved to his lips. 'Come up with me,' he whispered, slipping his hand up to brush at his cheek...

For a long, agonising few moments, he almost thought he would say no...

However after too long, he felt relief wash over him as gently, Jongho nodded, softly dusting his fingertips over his cheek.

Relief quickly turned to sheer nerves as he glanced through the dark, up the lamp-lit stairs towards where his front door was, and his family beyond... His mind raced for excuses... For reasons to explain why he was bringing him home...


'Come on,' he interrupted, holding strong. Leaning over him, he turned off the car and took the keys out of the ignition, grabbed his phone and shoved them all into Jongho's hands before he could change his mind.

He was out of the car before he knew it, dragging Jongho from his seat too, however although the nerves were steadily simmering beneath the surface, it wasn't until they were actually climbing the stairs that he felt them really crank up... Even moreso when he put his keys into the lock, held his breath, and opened the door...

It was dark inside—only a faint golden glow spilling into the empty living room from somewhere down the hall. There was the sound of the shower running, but other than that, silence spilled through the flat, and alongside it was the intense thumping of his own heart.

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 5Where stories live. Discover now