835 🩺 A Great Opportunity ft. First In, Best Dressed

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Eve ♡


Poking his head into the medical officer's handover office, Mingi glanced around and felt relief wash over him when he spotted that strawberry blonde head of hair—dark roots washed through it. He was twisting slowly on an office chair, eyes focussed on some kind of paper, and it made him smile.

'Kang Sonsaengnim~' he said, slipping inside. He nibbled on his smile when those familiar chocolate eyes blinked up at him in surprise, before he bowed playfully.

'Min?' Yeosang breathed in shock, glancing around at the otherwise empty room. 'I heard I had another student, but I didn't know it was you.'

'Does that translate to oh god, anyone but you?~' he teased.

'No!' he gasped. 'I like you. You're mine,' he said possessively. 'I'm keeping you.'

He giggled, pulling out the chair beside him. 'Thank you, Sonsaengnim~' he sung. However, just as he'd been about to ask what was planned for the shift, suddenly, Yeosang gasped sharply, eyes widening.

'Ya,' the blonde breathed, suddenly swinging around on his chair and staring at him. 'I was just about to text you.'

And with that, suddenly, he had the paper the blonde had been looking at, shoved at him.

'Oh? What's this?' he breathed, glancing at it.

'You should apply. Now!'

He frowned. 'What is it?'

'There's a paediatric surgical placement opportunity running for a week in Seoul. Application deadline is today though.'

His eyes widened, and disappointment hit. 'Today?' he murmured sadly...

Only suddenly, Yeosang smacked him on the shoulder. 'No sad faces. Apply! I'll sign whatever it needs—actually, maybe I shouldn't. I'm new. But we'll go harass Kim Sa Bu, and we'll get him to sign everything. Everyone loves Kim Sa.'

He giggled, glancing at the paper. It was at one of the best hospitals in the country...

He sighed. 'I can't get an application together in a day. Plus, I'm supposed to be working! With you!'

Yeosang shrugged. 'I won't tell anyone. Will you?'

He blinked, staring at him...

'Well?! Choppy chop! Get your phone out. Or—better yet. I'll sign you into my account. Here,' he said, swiping his ID under the computer over the sensor, pulling up his desktop. 'I'm only on-site on-call today, so there's nothing to do yet anyway.'

His heart throbbed... 'Really?'

Yeosang smiled widely, nodding. 'Get applying Min Min~'

And just like that, his hopes soared. 'Sang... Maybe... Will you help me write the letter?'

His friend's expression filled with that sassy smirk as he rolled his eyes.

'How could anybody ever tell you no?'


'Wow Nabi! You're so good!'

Hongjoong laughed as Seonghwa held their daughter's hands in his and showered her with praise—their little family submerged in the warm water of the public pool at Nabi's swimming lesson. It was such a simple thing—to stand in the water and splash about, smiling—but Hongjoong thought Seonghwa had never looked happier, and he had to admit that he felt the same.

He'd been so relieved when Seonghwa had said he could come with him to Nabi's swimming class this time around. There had been an underlying sense of unease he'd not particularly wanted to acknowledge, knowing he had come out to the other ladies, and would have to face it head on. However with Seonghwa by his side, it had been easy.

Even though he could feel certain scrutinous eyes on him and his family from afar.

He refused to even let himself think about it.

Instead, when Nabi squealed happily in his arms, beginning to thrash a little with her arms reaching for Seonghwa, he smirked, kissing her on the head. 'Do you want to swim with dadda?~'

Seonghwa came to him without a word, taking her into his wanting arms. 'Shall we go for a trip around the pool?' he asked, sitting her up in his arms as she adjusted to the position.

She patted the water, splashing it everywhere, and watching Seonghwa—submerged to his neck—start walking backwards through the water with her sitting at first, but slowly reclining her onto her back with her head on his shoulder—his hands holding her afloat...

He waded after the two, taking a little rubber seahorse toy with him and holding it up in the air to distract her. 'Good girl~ Nabi~!' he cooed as they made their way around. His heart was soft, seeing their daughter learning to get used to the water—such an enormous milestone he'd not even considered he'd be doing when he'd signed the adoption papers six months ago. However seeing Seonghwa...

He's such a good father~

He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have him. With so many other parents not even in the pool with their children, here his husband was, soaking wet with him, cooing and playing with their daughter, without a care in the world for anything else. It was just the three of them—nothing and no one else.

And just like that, he found himself falling in love all over again...

'Nabi-yah~ Wave~ Say, hello Lila~' Seonghwa cooed as they slowly waded past another baby playing on a floating pontoon with toys—an instructor in the water trailing water down her back as they played.

His heart sung.

'Hwa, baby,' he murmured, just for them. And with it, Seonghwa blinked to him with all the attention in the world. 'I love you,' he whispered.

Seonghwa pursed his lips gently, offering him a small smile. 'I love you too,' he replied quietly, with a moment of intimacy that warmed him...

At least, until Nabi said something in that wonderful baby language of her's, and immediately, Seonghwa blinked down at her.

'You say dad~' he cooed, smiling down at her ecstatic face. 'Dad dad dad~'

He snorted. Oh how determined he was to hear it first.

Stepping up, he deliberately distracted her with the seahorse, and shot him a smug grin.

'Ya. She might have said it,' Seonghwa said, giving him a faux glare.

He poked his tongue out at him, smirking.


But who said I'm going to let her say it to you first?'


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