923 🩺 The Story Of Our Lives

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Eve ♡


~Five/Seven Years Old~

'Hyung-ah~' Yeosang said happily from his place, cross-legged on the carpet in his room. He looked up onto his bed where his best friend was laying. 'Are you still sleepy?'

He felt disappointed when he saw Hongjoong roll over and yawn, but then his friend pushed up to sit and wiped at his eyes. 'What time is it?'

Pursing his lips a little, he glanced at the little giraffe clock he'd gotten for Christmas... 'Mmm... I don't know...' he said sadly. He couldn't read it yet. Daddy said he'd learn when he went to big boy school next year. He couldn't wait. Because then him and Woo would get to see Hongjoong everyday like kindy again!

He watched his Hyung look out the window at the sun going down, and felt a little worried that maybe he would sleep again when he saw him yawn again. But then his friend slipped down off of his bed and onto the floor with him, looking at the toys.

'What are you playing?'

'Magic mermaid tea party,' he replied happily. 'Will you play with me?!'

Hongjoong wore happy eyes as he reached out and ruffled his hair, before bumping their foreheads together, and it immediately made him feel all smooshy and happy right to his toes. 'Hyung-ah~' he murmured contently, leaning towards him.

'Can I be the blue mermaid?' his Hyung asked after a few moments.

He nodded eagerly. 'I can be the giraffe!'

Hongjoong laughed. 'But giraffe's aren't mermaids, Sang.'

'It's a magic giraffe,' he argued, pouting as he picked up his favourite toy. 'It can swim underwater.'

'Ahh,' Hongjoong said, nodding as he settled opposite him, picking up the blue mermaid. 'Does it speak mermaid language too?'

He beamed, nodding. However before he could say anything, he heard his mom calling.

'Sang! Hongjoong! Come downstairs boys!'

Disappointed that they wouldn't get to play, he pouted.

'We should go,' Hongjoong said, pushing up. 'Your mom's calling.'

Sighing, he nodded, standing up and following his Hyung downstairs. Maybe it was dinner time.

His dad was sitting at the table reading the paper though, drinking coffee like always, and at first, he couldn't find his mom.

'Boys,' he heard her call though, and they followed her voice to the door.

He felt happiness explode as he realised who was there.

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