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Eve ♡


Mingi looked beautiful in bed, lounging, toes curling with his nose in a book. The way he was nibbling on his pinky as his eyes followed the lines like his life depended on it made him think it was definitely spicier than he'd initially claimed, and he wondered why it made Mingi feel things, while they only bored him.

Alas, he had been making himself useful by stacking Mingi's textbooks into a shelf he'd bought him and constructed together in the corner of their bedroom—Mittens curiously poking her nose in every book's direction—when Mingi moaned. Not quite a sexual noise, but more of the kind that was moved.

'That is so cute,' Mingi breathed, collapsing back into the sheets and letting the book fall aside.

He smirked, glancing at him. 'What is?'

Mingi abruptly sat up to look at him. 'Wren just told Quinn he dreams of being forever fiancés.'

He arched an eyebrow, glancing down at Mittens, before back up at his boyfriend. 'What's that?' he asked, realising he was in a situation he'd never thought he'd ever be in.

Mingi's jaw dropped. 'What's a forever fiancé?! Yun, it's in the name!'

Jesus, he thought, glancing at Mittens again, and feeling a sense of comedic glory in the way that she looked at him too, as though to say, well don't look at me like that. It's not my fault he hasn't seen it yet.

'It's so romantic~' Mingi sighed, folding over his page and melting down into the sheets on his stomach, propping his chin on his hands as he kicked his ankles back and forth in the air merrily. 'Imagine that sweet sweet honeymoon feeling of being engaged, brimming with love~' He sighed happily, eyes misty as he gazed into the nether.

He raised an eyebrow at him as he watched Mittens jump her front paws up against the side of the bed for Mingi to idly reach out and scratch behind her ears, not paying much attention past his fantasy as he literally scratched her underneath her collar, probably touching the ring she was wearing.

'I see,' he said, wondering how the hell Mingi had managed to dodge noticing the ring for over a week now.

He did have to admit though. He was kind of enjoying watching him clueless to it. Who knew, maybe it was sick in the head, 🤷‍♂️ but he liked watching him so wistful and misty, totally unaware of the proposal right in front of him. Literally.

Smirking, he picked up the last few textbooks from the stack and went to put them into the shelf. They were old physio textbooks, judging by the covers. However as he went to file them away, something fell out of one of the pages.

And curiously, as he put the books away, he knelt down and picked up the paper...

Something that when he turned over, he realised, was an old film photograph.

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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