846 🩺 A Long Time Coming

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Eve ♡


The café was bright and airy, but stepping into it for the first time since their breakup, Yeosang couldn't see it as anything other than a place filled with dark shadows and pain. Just stepping onto the street had been enough to bring back horrifically painful emotions and memories he still did not feel ready to face, but was forcing himself to front none-the-less.

Alas, he tried hard to hold it all in as he sat at a table in the back, with an untouched coffee on the table between him and Jongho... It was quiet between them, but in his head...

He glanced at the empty table beside them—the table they had been at, when they had split, all that time ago.

He could hear their own voices loud and clear.

"Jongho, I'm going to give you one chance to tell me the truth"...

'Sang, I don't kno—"

"No— Please, Jongho... Please... Please, tell me the truth..."

"You're still lying to me..."

"... I made some stupid decisions..."

The pain he felt, seeing it all over again... Feeling it in his chest, hearing their words, and feeling the sheer intensity with which he had wished it had all been a misunderstanding... Wished that it had never happened...

He shifted his gaze to the Jongho of the present day across a small round table from him—a single coffee sitting untouched between them—and felt his chest fill with a kind of ache, stained with shadows. 'Why did you never tell me about Luna yourself?'

A painful silence ensued as Jongho swallowed, glancing down for a moment, slightly aside towards where they had been, once upon a time.

'I don't know,' Jongho eventually replied softly, a look of what seemed to be disappointment on his face. 'I've thought about it a million times... I was so scared,' he murmured. 'I knew I should have told you, but I don't think I knew how. I couldn't even say it aloud to myself for so long...'

Oh, the pain he felt rip through his body was visceral, and words would never be able to describe the way it tore him to pieces.

It took absolutely everything he had to hold his tears back and try to keep his breath steady. 'Why did you kiss her?' he asked, but his voice choked up, and with it, his eyes prickled hot.

The fact that there was a glassy tint to Jongho's too only made it all the harder.

'Three times,' Jongho murmured... Quiet, but loud enough to have been heard.

His heart stopped.

'Once at the PC Bang, once outside the movies, and once after we left the mall.'

Oh god, whimpered a silent voice in his head... He didn't want to know... He couldn't know...

He needed to know.

'She was incredibly drunk, and I was totally sober. She tried to kiss me in the theatre, but I felt gross after the PC Bang, and all I could think about was you, and how I wanted you to be there...'

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 5Where stories live. Discover now