Chapter 113

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Craig groans and sits up. "I should've known we wouldn't get off that easily. One last battle?" He looks to Tweek and smiles.

Tweek nods. "We need to finish this."


Cartman takes off the coat he was wearing and begins to stretch his arms. "I had thought you both died in that last facility, but I'm kinda glad you didn't. I wanted to kill you myself."

Craig bends all the fingers on his robotic arm as he steps closer to Cartman. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to enjoy watching you die."

Tweek carefully moves Heidi to the corner of the room, sitting her body up against the wall. "I'm sorry... This wasn't all for nothing. We won't let your death be meaningless."

Tweek meets Craig in the middle of the room. He holds his hands up, summoning a bit of healing to stabilize Craig for a while and put a temporary halt to his pain so he could perform at his best.

Craig smiles. "Thanks, babe. You ready for this?"

"I am."

Craig runs forward, his fist up and ready to punch.

He takes a swing but Cartman dodges, catching Craig's arm and swinging him around, throwing him at Tweek.

Tweek and Craig both fall to the floor.

Craig helps Tweek back to his feet. "Sorry... I guess I might be a bit rusty..."

"No... this is just his power. He's really strong. Almost overpowered. There's a reason he was our only brutalist for so long."

"How do we beat him?"

"I... don't know... I guess we just keep trying. I can try to slow him down with ice attacks and you can-"

"You love birds just about done? Don't forget you're in the middle of a battle!"

Craig turns to Cartman. "My bad. I must've forgotten about you. Just like the fans you USED to have."

Craig waits, looking for anger to rise in Cartman, but nothing happens.

"Why isn't he getting mad..."

"Oh, Craig. I know all about your little trick now. I won't let your words anger me. I'm the one in control."

"That's fine. I'll just have to beat you the old fashioned way."

"Exactly. Fight me like a man, Stupid Craig."

"Lame insult, very uncreative. I would insult your hero name back but it's already embarrassing enough."

Craig puts a thumb up behind his back to signal Tweek.

Tweek sends out ice. It's a direct hit.

"Nice babe! Bullseye!"

Cartman is stunned for a brief moment. Craig uses this opportunity to attack. He throws all his power into his fist.

The punch sends Cartman backwards. He stumbles before holding his hand up. "Reverse!"

The mark Craig left when he hit Cartman disappears.

"What? Did he just reverse the damage?!"

Tweek runs over to Craig. "He did... if we want a chance at winning, we need to hit him so hard that he can't get up. One shot."

"Right... okay..."

Cartman holds out his arms and lunges forward, phantom claws reach out and scratch into Craig, deep wounds cover his upper chest.

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