Chapter 52

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Tweek smiles, "I never thought you would ask me out."

"Well, I did... so..?"

"I will."

Craig exhales, "Good."

"I should get going soon, can't be late to my workout or Clyde will get mad. I'll see you later, boyfriend~"

Craig smiles and waves goodbye. Once Tweek leaves he puts his head down again. "Boyfriend... that's nice..."


Craig puts on his best pair of black jeans and a nice white tee shirt. He sprays a bit of his cologne and combs out his hair. He was doing his best to look casual but still nice.

When he met up with Tweek, Craig saw that he was just wearing what he always wore.

"You look nice." Tweek smiles.

"You do too. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"That Italian place?"

"Works for me. Just don't drink again, I don't want a repeat of last time."

"Was taking me home really that bad?"

"You also amplified my... whatever purple means..."

"Shit. Sorry, I don't remember that. I won't drink."

"Cool, let's go."

They get a booth and order their food without saying much, they both felt a bit awkward.

"So, Tweek. How was the meeting?"

Tweek rolls his eyes, "It sucked. Cartman kept insisting we change how the medical team operates."


"The medical team? The healers and-"

"No. What the fuck is Cartman still doing on the council?"

"He's a department head, leader of team B. Remember?"

"Shit... I thought you guys figured everything out..."

"What do you mean? We did. Heidi is the one who-"

"Tweek, Heidi was just following orders. From Cartman."

Tweeks expression changes, "Cartman? He was... Craig, explain what happened from the beginning."

Craig explains everything after he got the letter up to when he woke up.

Tweek bites the insides of his cheeks. "Cartman drugged you because he wanted to know what the secret was? We don't even know that!"

"I know. He was upset that we got a mission and he didn't. He drugged me to try to get answers."

"Why didn't you come to me right after this happened?"

"I just kinda accepted the fact I was going to die. I didn't want that pressure on you."

"Craig, I could've helped!"

"You can't be sure. I didn't want you being put in danger because of me."

Tweek scowls, "okay, let's save this argument for later. Right now I need to call HQ and let them know about Cartman."

Tweek steps out to make a few phone calls.

Craig rubs the back of his neck, "Was he really upset that I didn't tell him..?"

After a few minutes Tweek comes back in and sits down. "The team knows now and they are handling it. Wendy says we can just enjoy our date now."

"Good, it would suck if our first date ended this early."

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