Chapter 54

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Tweek calls for a meeting a few days after Craig gets out of the medical wing.

"Alright, with Craig back, we are ready for our next mission. We will be going to Zen."

"Yes!!" Tolkien throws his arms up. "Finally!"

"We already have a rough layout. Wendy and Stan, you have a couple of days to relax while the rest of us figure out our stuff. Tolkien and Craig, you two stay here and discuss what we know about Zen. I'll be in the lab. Craig, if you finish before me, come down to the lab."

Wendy interjects, "Uhm... Tweek? We need to talk to you. Alone maybe?"

"Okay, then you two come with me."

Everyone follows Tweeks instructions and gets started on the 4th facility research.

Tweek stops in the hallway, "What did you need to talk about, Wendy?"

"Yesterday when you were on your date we told Tim everything. He was going to talk to Cartman but..."


"Cartman is missing. We think he ran away."

"The guilty never run..."

"Yeah... sorry we didn't catch him..."

"It's okay. If he's fleeing now then he isn't a threat. We can drop it for now."

"Okay. I'll keep an eye on security in the meantime."

"Thank you."


Down in the lab Dr. Timothy is waiting for Tweek.

"Hello, sir. Sorry I'm late..."

"It's okay. Come here. I have much to tell you."

Tweek approaches the table that the console piece was on. "What did you find out?"

"We found a connection to a person. A soul was linked to this console."

"So the device runs on the souls of people?"

"Not exactly. The device is one with the person. These cannot work without a soul attached. That being said, anyone linked to one of these will reach the same fate as the console they are linked to. You kill a console, you kill a person. And vice versa."

"How do we find who's linked?"

"It's most likely a member of the facility, a subject."

"Interesting... so if we can't get to a console, we just have to find out who's linked?"

"Precisely. Though we haven't found a way to determine who it is."

"Understood. Can I tell the team?"

"Please do. It's valuable information."

"Understood. Thank you sir."


Tweek returns to the meeting room where Tolkien and Craig are still working on their reports.

Craig looks up at Tweek and smiles, "Back already?"

"Yeah. We got the info on the tablet we brought back."

Tweek explains everything to the both of them. Tolkien gets confused so Craig has to join in every now and then to put things in easier to understand phrases.

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