Chapter 8

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Craig meets Tweek outside the studio. "Are we meeting with the trainer next?"

Tweek checks his watch. "It's pretty late, we can meet him tomorrow. Let's get settled in for tonight. You did a lot today, you should get caught up on sleep."

"Works for me."

They both go to their rooms.

Tweek takes off his shoes and shirt to get ready to shower. He opens his closet and furry rodent jumps on his arm, making him fall back.


He scoots back as fast as he can to get away from the creature.


It's Craig's Guinea pig.

"Hey little guy... what are you doing over here? How'd you get here?"

He picks up the furball and pets him.

"Were you looking for your dad? I can bring you to him. He's probably worried."

Tweek carries Stripe next door and knocks three times.

Craig answers, "Tweek? Can I help you?"

"Stripe found his way into my room somehow. You should make sure he is locked in his cage."

He takes stripe from Tweek and pets him gently, "Sorry. He's an escape artist sometimes. I'll try to keep a closer eye on him. Thanks for finding him."

"No problem. Have a good night."

"You too."


Tweeks alarm goes off at 7 am. He has to train at 8 every day so he gets up an hour early to eat and get ready.

When he gets to the gym Craig is already there.

"Craig? What are you doing here?"

"The boss guy said I should just train with you for the time being."

"Oh, okay... I don't work with the trainer like the other guys do. My training is simple so it's just me."

"Then I'll just try out some of the equipment."


Tweek goes sets his water bottle on a treadmill and gets to work. A steady jog for 30-45 minutes is all he has to do.

Craig wonders around and tries all the machines, testing them out.

Once Tweek is done he hops off and grabs a towel.

"I'm going to the hot tub. Do you wanna come?"


They go to the locker room on their residential floor to get changed. Tweek puts on a pair of swim shorts and gets in the hot tub.

Craig comes in wearing nothing at all.

"No swim trunks?"

"Do I need them? We are both dudes."

"I guess not... just try to get some for next time. We all kinda agreed to wear swimsuits in here since Wendy lives with us."



"You're embarrassed."

"How can you tell?"

"Orange. Orange means embarrassed, and it's all around you."

"I thought you said you can only easily notice anger."

"Embarrassment is close enough. Being embarrassed is an easy road to anger. People get defensive when they're embarrassed. And I can still see other colors they're just hard to control and not as vibrant."

"I see."

"You must have a very cluttered mind."

"Why do you say that?"

"You have every color around you all the time. You feel everything at once."


"You're embarrassed again."

Tweek covers his face, "Shut up..."

Craig smirks, "Okay."

Tweek starts to feel relaxed once Craig says that.

"Did you use your power again?"

"Yeah. You seemed upset so I wanted to help. Is that okay?"

"Yeah... Thank you."

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