Chapter 22

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The flight is long and boring. Craig can't sleep on planes, so he just watches out the window while going over the plan in his head. He's focused.

Suddenly, something lands on his shoulder, jump scaring him. He looks over to see a puffle of blonde hair, it was Tweeks head, resting on him, fast asleep.

Craig smiles, "Cute..."

Craig turns back to the window and puts a hand over his mouth. "I'm screwed." 

He didn't get up during the whole flight. He stayed as still as he could so that Tweek could sleep.

The lights inside the helicopter turn on and a loud ding is played over the speaker, waking Tweek up.

Tweek rubs his eyes as he sits up. "Are we already here?"

Craig chuckles, "Already? You slept for 6 and a half hours."

"Did I really?"

"Yeah. On my shoulder the whole time."

"Oh... Sorry, that must've been uncomfortable."

"Nah, its okay cause it was yo-" 

Another loud ding sounds as the pilot broadcasts. "We are beginning our descent. Please remain seated and prepare for landing."

Craig was glad he was cut off. he might've said something embarrassing if he hadn't been.

Tweek straightens up and looks over Craig to see out the window. "California is a lot more brown than New York."

"Yeah, most of it is in a drought right now."

They both spot a big flat building in the distance. It's surrounded by electrical fences.

Craig points out the window at the building. "Is that it?"

Tweek nods, "Yep, that's Dendra. The only facility in California and the 3rd largest in the states."

"It really is big, I hope we can navigate it okay."

"We should be fine. We went over the layout almost every day, and Call Girl will be watching from the roof, guiding us."

"Right. Are you ready for this?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. You?"


The helicopter starts to descend on the top of a hill not far from the facility, but far enough to be out of sight.

Tolkien, Tweek, Craig, and Stan all start to get off. Wendy's job was to drop down from above with a parachute so she could silently get on the roof.

Stan holds Wendy tightly and kisses her before stepping off, "Good luck, Call Girl."

"You too. Stay safe, Toolshed."

They both smirk at each other as the doors shut.

The helicopter takes off and Tweek puts his backpack on. "Alright, it's a bit of a hike. Let's not keep anyone waiting."

The four boys all walk single file through dead bushes to stay out of sight. The east side of the building had the least amount of cameras, so that's the side they were approaching from. 

Tweek puts up his hand, signaling to stop.

They all watch as Wendy successfully makes her landing on the roof, she calls through the earpiece, "Landed, ready for infiltration."

"Copy." Tweek continues forward.

Once they are close enough to be caught by the two outside cameras they stop.

Tweek turns to Tolkien, "Okay. Set it up." Then he turns to Craig and Stan. "Once Tupperware shoots the cameras we will need to start sprinting. Not running, sprinting. Are you two ready?"

Both of them nod. Tweek looks at Tolkien who has set up his long-range turret. They exchange a nod and Tolkien begins a countdown. 

"Firing two missiles in... 5... 4... 3... 2..." 

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