Chapter 2

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The document Tweek received contained a home address. He goes to the location and knocks on the door.

A worn out skinny guy with short black hair answers. "Can I help you?"

"You can. May I come in?"

The man let's him in and sits on the couch, surrounded by wrappers.

"Are you Craig Tucker?"


"Okay... Do you know who I am?"

"That hero guy. Wonder Tweek?"

"Yes. Wonder Tweek is my code name. You can just call me Tweek. I'm here to talk about your power."

"Not much to say. I can punch people a bit harder than usual. That's about it."

"We know a lot more than you think we do. We know that there's more to your power than just punching. You can control anger, weaponize it. Anger is the most powerful and unpredictable emotion. Someone with control over it can control anyone easily."

"So? Why does that matter?"

Craig doesn't look a Tweek as they talk, he just stares at his TV.

"We could really use someone like you. Join us."

"Work for one of the self righteous 'hero foundations'? I don't think so."

"We are fighting for a good cause."

"That's what they all say. They come in and tell you they are a good cause but in reality it's just a show of power. It's like all you guys are having a 'who has the biggest dick' competition. But in reality you all have baby wiener dicks. Leave me out of your masculinity contest."

"We aren't trying to to that. The FP foundation is fighting for something no one else seems to care about. We are taking down superhuman science."

Craigs head perks up when he hears that. "You are trying to take down the people who made us like we are?"


He scoffs, "And how do you plan on doing that. They literally hold the power in their hands."

"Well, with someone like you we could work around it."

"Yeah right. You'll never take those assholes down."

"What if I prove your power to you? What if I show you what it's really capable of?"


"Observe. Here is my maximum power output."

Tweek is an elementalist healer with some offensive powers. He holds up a ball of lightning the size of a basket ball.

"Now, hit me with your anger power. Make me mad."


He flips Tweek off. Something about the symbol made his blood boil. Anger rose up inside him, and so did the electric ball. It grew until it was almost too big to fit in the room. He vanquishes it and takes a deep breath.

"See? If you team up with me not only will you be valuable in offensive battle, but you can also enhance my power. Join me, Craig. You know those scientists need to be taken down. Take a risk."

Tweek holds out his hand.

"Sounds kinda lame."

"You will be able to live in the company building with us. It's a penthouse in NY. Lots of space, no charge."

"... Can I bring my Guinea pig?"


Craig takes a breath. "Ok, I'll join."

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