Chsoter 12

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"Mysterion? Yeah, he's a badass."

"He is. Even Tweek can't beat his power levels. Unfortunately he works alone so he won't join a public team."

"That's too bad."

Clyde draws a chart on a small whiteboard. "Alright, according to the papers, this is the best course of action. We start with basic combat training, that includes offense and defense. Then we work on team coordination, then we do power bulking."

"What's power bulking?"

"We scan to see which parts of your body are activated when you use your power, then we work to bulk those muscles up as much as possible."

"Oh, cool."

"Take a picture of this. We will meet every day at 7 am for one hour."

"So early..."

"Yeah, but the only other option is to steal Tweeks 8 am time, and he gets stressed when you fuck up his schedule. He has a baby face but don't let it fool you, he is scary when he's upset. I took his coffee mix one morning and I couldn't walk right for a month."

"That sounded sexual."

"It wasn't, he actually just electrocuted me, it made me limp for a while."

"Whatever you say."

"Ha, you're a funny guy. Do you wanna get drinks after this? Your schedule is clear for the rest of the day."

"Are we allowed to drink here?"

"There's a bar on the 7th floor."

"Jesus, this place really has everything."

"Are you in?"

"I'm only 19."

"Doesn't matter. I'm only 20 and I drink there all the time. Tweek does hardcore meth and toolshed drinks like a pirate. No one cares. As long as you work here you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, I'll go then."

"Cool, go wait in the lobby while I put your training plan in the system, then we can go."



Craig and Clyde go to the bar. It's still a bit early so there's only a few people. Mostly middle aged men in suits.

"The people here look a lot older than us." Craig nudges Clyde as they sit at the counter.

"The older folks don't have any powers but they still want to help. They are our PR reps and interns. They are the blood of the company. You and I are the muscle, and people like Tim and Tweek are the bones."

"Who's the brain if it's not Timothy?"

"People like Call Girl and the human Kite."

"Is Wendy really that smart?"

"She's a professional hacker. She can get any information and form a plan from almost nothing. Everyone in team A has a special talent. Tupperware is an expert with accuracy, Toolshed is amazing at defense, maybe the best in the world, and Tweek, well, you know."

"Actually, I don't think I do. Everyone keeps saying he did something amazing and that he's incredible. I want to know what happened."

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