Chapter 25

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The people behind the desks get launched out. Stan sent shock waves to them. "They're paralyzed for a few seconds, let's go!"

As the boys run to the test subjects they regain their composure.

Tweek freezes the floor beneath them to keep them from stabilizing.

As soon as the ice hits the subject Tweek shakes and falls over.

"Tweek!" Craig runs to him.

"I-I'm fine, just be careful, they are chaos minions. Any elements you hit them with will be deflected back at you." Tweek stands back up.

"Guess that's my queue to take the lead."

"Go get em' tiger."



Craig runs up and punches the subjects into each other, they hit him with electricity but he bears with it until he finishes the job. Stan took down two of them while Craig got the other three.

Once they were all down, Tolkien calls out, "Get out of the way! It's ready to fire!"

They run back and take cover behind the turret. 

The turret starts up and as soon as the bullets hit the console it explodes. To Craig's surprise, it had color when it exploded. Almost as if it was screaming in pain.

Tolkien jumps up and cheers. They just defeated Dendra.

Stan quickly gets to his earpiece, "Call Girl! We did it! We got the console!"

"Amazing! Is everyone okay?"

"Yep! Practically flawless!"


The cheer over the earpiece made Craig laugh. Suddenly he felt someone jump onto his back and hug him. Tweek. He wiggles around to face him and hugs him back.

Tweek is crying. "We did it! We actually did it and no one died!"

"We did. Good job, Tweek."

They all made their way to the roof where the helicopter was waiting. Stan and Wendy reunite with a kiss.

"Stan! You got a cut on your arm! You said no one got hurt..."

"No, I said 'practically' flawless. It's just a scratch."

Wendy drags Stan over to Tweek. "Can you heal this idiot?"

Tweek pulls Craig forward too. "Yeah, I'll get them both at the same time. Craig has a gash on his jaw."

Stan and Craig stand next to each other as Tweek summons healing rain. As the water sprinkles on Craig, he can feel his injury closing up.


Stan smiles at Craig, "Pretty impressive, right?"


The door to the helicopter shuts.

"Okay, guys. When we get back we need to do our assessment meeting, but then it's drinks and rec room." Tweek smiles proudly at everyone.

"Sweet!" Stan is excited, like a child who was told they could get ice cream if they behaved.

Everyone sits in the same seats. Tweek doesn't fall asleep this time, Craig does. Fighting took all the energy out of him. Tweek watched him sleep soundly and smiled. "You did so well today... I couldn't have done it without you..." 

He reaches out to feel Craig's hair, it's as silky as it looks.

Wendy turns around, "Aha!"


"Sorry," She whispers.

"What are you exclaiming for?"

"I knew you had a thing for him."

Tweek smiles at Craig and twirls the black silky hair, "I don't."

Stan leans over, "Oh shit, he really does. Dude, look at him!" He grabs Tolkien and pulls him in. "See at how he's looking at Craig?!"

Tweek finally puts his hand down. "Will you guys cut it out?! Just get some rest, you did well today."

Wendy giggles, "Whatever you say lover boy~"

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