Chapter 64

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His front door opens. "Craig? You weren't answering so I let myself in. Why are your lights off?" It's Tweek.

"Leave them off, they hurt my eyes."

"Where are you?"

"You should leave."

"No. You need support."

Tweek starts walking to the corner that Craig's voice was coming from.

"Stop walking. Stay back there."

"Why? Craig let me-"

"No. I'm feeling horrid right now. If you come any closer it'll project onto you. Just go home."

"Craig. You can't just lock yourself in here."

"I can't be around you right now."

Tweek feels hurt, "Fine."

The darkness closed again when Tweek left.

Another hour passes before the door opens again. This time it's Craig's mom.


"Mom? Are you okay?"

"I am. But it looks like you aren't. Come out here."

"I can't. I need to stay here."


"I'm in a pit of depression. It hurts. I'm so fucking sad that it feels like my heart is being crushed."

"So come out. It'll make you feel better."

"No... you don't understand. If I go out there... if I go near Tweek..."

"I do know. Your boyfriend told me everything."

"So you understand why I can't go near him."

"Craig, he is more than prepared to deal with whatever you're feeling. He wants to help you."

"Well, he can't. No one can. This whole thing was my fault. If I had been faster maybe Tolkien would still be alive. I'm sure Tweek knows that too. Once this all clears he will realize that I'm the one who killed Tolkien. Then it's only a matter of time until he leaves me like everyone else has."

"Craig, you're letting your trauma get to you. This isn't like that time."

"But it is! Tricia and Dad would still be here if I was competent enough. I could have saved them, just like how I could've saved Tolkien. But I didn't. I let them all die. Their blood is on my hands."

"You forget that I was there. It was his choice to destroy the console. He knew what would happen. There was nothing you could've done."

"Actually, there is. I've been thinking about how much I could've done differently. There are so many ways I could've saved him."

"You're being unreasonable. Just come out."

"No. Actually, you need to leave. I don't need you here complicating things. You and anyone else, leave me alone. Just go."


"Leave or I'll call security."

She backs out of the room and closes the door. Tweek had been waiting in the hall.

"So? How is he?"

"He told me to leave. He said he doesn't need me or anyone else. He really plans on staying in there."

"He said that to you? He told you to leave?"


Tweeks expression changes to anger. "That's it. I'm not playing nice anymore if he's gonna be like this."

Tweek swings the door open and storms into Craig's room.

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