Chapter 94

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Tweek and Stan put on their name tags and disguises. Getting into the building was the easy part. Finding out what the inner workings were would be the hard part.

"We have to be careful. The building says they're a newspaper agency, but we don't know if any of the workers there also work for the facility below. Try to make friends. We come back to the hotel at 6. Understood?" Tweek gives a final rundown to Stan.

"Got it. Charm some info outta them. Let's do this."

They enter the building and go to the 3rd floor using their new badges. A man in a gray suit approaches them, "New recruits?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay. Second door on your left, hurry, orientation starts soon."

He leaves and the boys go to the meeting room. It's a big conference room. There's about 20 other new hires. They take their seats near the back of the room.

An old woman steps up to the microphone. "Today you will all be working with an employee who has been working here for a few years at least. I will call each of your names and pair you up with an employee. Please be fast and efficient."

She begins to call off names and sends people off in pairs. She calls the name Frank. Tweek almost forgot that was him. He steps up to the front and a girl with long black hair holds out her hand to greet him.

"My name is Davina. Nice to meet you...?"


"Right. Let's go, we have a lot of ground to cover."

She leads the way to a cubicle office area. "This is where you'll be working. 7 am tomorrow morning you will meet me here and I'll set you up in the computer system. I'll actually be working as your manager. 7 am means you start working at 7, not turn on your computer at 7, not clock in at 7. You start work at 7. Clear?"


"Repeat it."

"Begin to work exactly at 7. Get here earlier and turn on the computer before the clock hits 7."

"Good. I like a guy who listens. Now, let's begin the tour of the building. If you have any questions feel free to ask."

Tweeks phone buzzes.

"And silence your phone. Don't want any distractions."


He pulls out his phone to silence it, then he sees he has two texts. One from Craig and one from an unknown number.

???: Careful, don't slip up. I'm watching.
Craig: Tweek, we need to talk. Call me when you get this.

He puts his phone on silence and puts it in his pocket. He didn't actually read the texts, only read who sent them. He follows the woman down the hall and into an elevator.

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