Chapter 16

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The next appointment Craig had was with Bebe. A costume fitting.

"Craig! Come in! I'm just adding the finishing touches."

"Can we make this quick? I want to get some rest."

"I dunno, Tweek said he's coming to check out the costume so it depends on him."

"Tweek is coming?"

"Yeah. He has a conference that he's preparing for, but he said he had time to stop in."

Craig gets fitted into his costume. It was the same blue that Tweeks was. On the blue sweatshirt there was a big S for Super Craig. It matched the WT on Tweeks outfit.

"What do you think?" Bebe smiles at her work.

"Comfortable. I like it."

The door opens and Tweek walks in. He is wearing an expensive looking black suit with his hair slicked back.

He fixes his wrist cuffs, "Is this the costume?"

Bebe runs over to him, "Hey, you look super slick! Yes. This is his costume. What do you think?"

"Looks like mine."

"He said I should just have them match."

"Well, it looks good. Fits him well, it should be good in combat. Thanks, Bebe."

Bebe puts a hand on Tweeks arm, "No problem!"

Craig scowls. He could see a bit of purple radiating off Bebe as she spoke to Tweek.

Tweek kept his usual color. His chaotic aura staying the same. It was like a fluctuating rainbow LED light, every color at once, rushing to and from him like waves of the ocean.

Craig stared at Tweek, looking for a color he could use to get him away from Bebe. Then he stopped and asked himself why he was even trying to get them apart. It shouldn't matter to him.

"I'm gonna go now." Craig picks up his clothes and goes to the door.

"I should get going too. Thanks for everything Bebe." Tweek smiles kindly at Bebe, somewhat irritating Craig.

"Any time! Call me if you ever need help with anything, and I mean anything."

"I will, cya."

Tweek and Craig exit the room. Three receptionists gather at the counter and watch Tweek pass.

"Tweek. Did you know that the receptionists all drool over you? They're practically leaking purple aura."

"I had a feeling. They flirt a lot. Don't worry, I'm not interested in them."

"I wasn't worried."

"Is that so?" Tweek turns around and smiles up at Craig, who is a few inches taller than him. "Cause your face shows that you're really worried. Unless I'm mistaken?"

Craigs face turns red, "Uh..."

Tweek laughs and backs away, "You're a cool guy."

Craig watches as Tweek walks away. "That smug bastard... what was that?"

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