Chapter 80

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"You want to kill him? Why?"

"He's a threat."

"What are you taking about? You love him and he loves you. He even saved you just yesterday."

"It's all fake. Nothing he does is real. He needs to die, I need to kill him."

Craig listens in from the hallway, his heart feels like it's being crushed.

"Tweek, you aren't making any sense. I know for a fact that there is no one you care about more than him."

"No. I hate him. He needs to die."

"Jesus... what happened..."

Craig comes into the room, "It's probably that serum."

"Craig I dont know if you should be in here..."

"Tweek, you told me yourself that they injected you with something. I think you're being controlled."

Tweek puts up his hand and prepares to attack. "You are the only one who is controlling anyone here! Just die!"

Craig dodges the blast and runs to Tweek. He hugs him tightly so he can't lift his arms.

"This isn't you. Come back to me. Fight it, Tweek."

"LET GO!!"


Tweek sends lighting out all around him, zapping Craig and causing him to fall to the ground. Stripe scampers away.

Tweek gets on top of Craig and holds up a fist of lightning. Tears start to fall from his eyes as he builds up his power.

"Oh, Tweek... it's okay..."


Tweek suddenly falls to the floor. Craig catches him and lifts him up.

Dr. Timothy had just arrived. He used his power to put Tweek in a deep sleep.

Craig turns to Timothy. "Thank you..."

"Get him to the lab, we need to analyze what is happening to him."

Stan squints. "Wait... but he wanted to kill Craig? Should we at least restrain him?"

Timothy turns to Stan and echoes through both his and Craig's minds. "I read his thoughts as he was attacking Craig. All that was going through his head were the words "Someone please stop me.", he didn't wish to kill him, and he's still in there, but his actions are not his own."

"I knew it." Craig carries Tweek out into the hall. "Where's the lab again?"


Daniel returns to his boss who has taken refuge at a hotel. "Sir, he has been put to sleep. I fear our plan may have failed."

Daniels boss stands up and walks to the window. "Just a setback. I think it's time for me to come out of hiding."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes. Soon I will put the mast back on and return to the public eye. I just need to finish some preparations to ensure my safety first. You go keep an eye on things with Tweek, see if you can control anything when he wakes up."

"Yes, sir."

"I'd prefer it if you called me by my name."

"Yes, Mr. Cartman."

"Thank you. Leave now."

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