Chapter 28

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"It's not just her either. Ever since you started to gain publicity there's been tons of chicks trying to get with you but you hardly notice any of them. That's why I find it funny that you like Craig, these girls throw themselves at you but this boy from Colorado with a pet guniea pig catches your eye."

"Stripe is cute..."

"Like his owner?"

"...just like his owner..."

Tolkien and Clyde laugh.

"Stop laughing!"

"Sorry, we've just never seen you act like this before. You're always so nervous or only talk business."

"Whatever... I think I'm gonna get out..."

"We should too, my fingers are starting to wrinkle."

Tweek returns to his room and gets himself a cup of coffee. It was late but he needed the buzz.


Craig woke up in the morning with a massive hangover.

He goes to the cafeteria to eat breakfast like he has been doing. Wendy is there with Stan.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Stan has a hangover, the coffee down here works wonders on hangovers."

"I guess I should get some for myself then. Do you guys wanna eat together?"


They sit at a round wooden table by the window.

Wendy blows on Stan's coffee before giving it to him.

"You two sure are cutesy."

"I always take care of him when he's hungover. He does the same."

"Do you ever get hungover?"

"Not really, but he takes care of me in other ways."

"Now that we're done with that conversation, let's move on!"

Wendy laughs, "You're funny."

"I don't try to be."

"I have a question, Craig."

"What's up?"

"What do you think of our brave and single leader, Tweek?"

"He's cool I guess. Why do you ask?"

"Just making sure you two get along since we're on the same team is all."

"Ah. Yeah we get along fine."

"Would you ever go on a solo mission with him?"

"I would, it's our job, is it not?"

Stan puts his head down, "Whatever you're trying to do isn't working, Wendy."

"Damn it."

Craig tilts his head, "What?"

"Nothing. How's the coffee?"

"Good, I actually do think it's helping."

"I'm glad."

Craig finishes up breakfast just in time for his training.

He goes to the gym and sees Clyde, looking unaffected by the amount of alcohol he drank last night.

"Craig! My man! You ready for special training?"


"Tweek said you need to work on keeping your composure under pressure. So that's what we're doing today."

"Tweek said that?"

"Yeah, something about you being in danger during the last mission. He's worried about you."

"Tweek was worried?"

"That's just the kind of guy he is. Do you like that kind of guy?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A normal one... no alterer motives."

Craig rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say. Yes, I do like when people worry about me. Who doesn't?"

"But do you like guys who do it?"


"Are you a homosexual?"

Craig blankly stares at Clyde.

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