Chapter 81

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Craig waits outside the lab. Stan comes out with a worried look. "Hey, Craig... uhm..."

"What is it?"

"He woke up, and he isn't being hostile but..."


"Whenever we mention you he gets really mad..."

"Can I talk to him?"

"Sure. We have him restrained for both of your safety."

Craig walks into the bright room where Tweek is staying. His wrists are cuffed.

"Damnit... he just got out of those and now he's back to being restrained... we shouldn't be doing this to him..."

"We can take them off after you leave."

Craig approaches Tweek.

"Tweek? Are you doing okay?"

"Craig Tucker..."

"Do you still want to kill me?"


"Tweek, honey, I don't think-"

"Don't call me that disgusting name."


"Don't call me honey. You mean nothing to me, don't use you're horrible voice to call me honey. It makes me sick."

Craigs eyebrow twitches. He turns around and walks out of the room.

Stan follows. "You okay?"

"It doesn't make sense... how could he be so in love with me one minute and then suddenly turn into that... it's like a switch flipped in his brain."

"I'm sure he doesn't mean it."

"I know he doesn't. When he said that, all of his colors turned to sadness. He was sad that he said those things. I know he doesn't mean it but it still hurts to hear that from him. Imagine if Wendy did that to you."

"You're right... I wouldn't be able to keep it together if she said something like that..."

Craig takes a deep breath and goes back inside.

"Okay Tweek. I'm gonna do my best to ignore what you say and just read your aura."

The aura around Tweek turns into a bright hope.

"There's my boy. I knew you were still in there."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, Tweek. We're gonna figure this out."

"Whatever you do, don't fucking hug me."

Craig saw what Tweek was doing. He was using what control he had to say the opposite of what he was thinking.


Craig hugs Tweek and gently strokes the back of his head. "I love you so much... I won't let anyone get away with stealing your free will. Trust me, it'll be okay."

"Get off me!"

He hugs tighter.


Craig is instructed to keep his distance from Tweek for a few days while they run tests and try to get a cure for the serum. Craig spends the time doing paperwork that Tweek had fallen behind on. He didn't want Tweek to be swamped when he got better.

Craig sleeps in Tweeks room while his gets repaired from the blast damage. Wendy reports back to him every night on how Tweek is doing.

Craig works all day, only taking breaks for food and sleep. A letter falls from the ceiling while Craig is working in Tweeks office.

Dear Craig,
Please meet me on the roof at midnight.
I can cure him.
Sincerely, the Coon.

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