Chapter 27

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Tweeks face had never felt so hot before. His body was both tense and the most relaxed it had ever been.

His eyes widened as their lips touched, but slowly he closed them and pressed into the kiss more. He felt golden.

Craig pulls away and gives a drunken smile. "Now, lets see if I *hic* remember that tomorrow."

He lets go of Tweek and passes out.

Tweek sits up and stares down at Craig.

"What??? WHAT???? WHAT WAS THAT?!" Tweek stands up and stumbles backward. "He k-kissed me!"

He puts his hands to his lips and storms out of the room.

When Tweek gets to the rec room everyone else was just arriving, Clyde decided to join them.

Wendy gets in her one piece swim suit and meets with the boys in the sauna. "Tweek? Are you okay? Is the hot air getting to you?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Your face is bright red."

"Damn it..."

"So something is wrong?"

"I think I... I think I might like Craig."

The room goes silent. Then Tolkien laughs, "We all knew that already."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"We kinda did."

"Ugh... This sucks... I cant like him..."

"Why not?" Stan asks as he leans on Wendy.

"We work together! It could ruin things."

Stan gives him a blank look, "Oh, cause dating a coworker is soooo bad."

Wendy giggles.

"I didn't mean it like that... I just know he is straight."

"I wouldn't be too sure." Clyde interjects.

"Why not?"

"He's been training with me for the past couple of weeks. You're the only thing he asks about. I think it's possible he likes you too."

"Well... Maybe... Can you find out?"

"I can try."

"Thanks..." Tweek looks down at the floor, his mind was spinning.

<Was that kiss even real? Did he mean it? Does he like me? Was it a joke?>

Stan breaks Tweeks thought process, "If you two do end up hooking up I recommend doing it in here."

Wendy elbows Stan, "Babe!"

"Sorry! But you know it's the best."

"Ugh! We need to get you home before you tell them anything embarrassing."

Wendy walks Stan out of the rec room.

Tolkien pats Tweek on the shoulder, "Everything will be fine. Whether he likes you or not, just enjoy the feeling of having a crush. It's nice. We don't get to focus on our feelings much since we work here."

"I guess you're right... Do you guys like anyone?"

"I haven't liked someone since Nicole and I broke up."

They turn to Clyde.

"Do you like anyone, Clyde?"

"This is a weird sauna room conversation."

"Answer the question."

"I do. Bebe."

"Bebe? Seriously?"

"Yeah. I think she's cool, and I love how bubbly she is."

"Then shoot your shot! I think you two could go great together!"

"I tried. She likes someone else."

"Oh... I'm sorry... who was it?"

Clyde laughs, "You may be the most clueless guy I know. She likes you, and she makes it pretty damn obvious."


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