Chapter 57

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After eating they both lay down in bed, exhausted. Craig's stamina was much lower than it was before he was drugged.

"Oh, Tweek, I forgot to ask."


"Tolkien wanted me to ask if we can go to the cells and free the people Zen has trapped there."

"We don't usually do anything other than destroying the console."

"That's why he wanted me to ask."

"Why didn't he just ask me himself?"

"I guess he thought you would be more likely to say yes if I asked you."

"Haha, well, he's probably right."

"So what do you think?"

"I think that if you guys can pinpoint the location and find a way to free them quickly, then it should be fine."

"Cool. I'll let him know and we'll work on it during the next meeting."

"Do you think your mom is in a cell?"

"I doubt it. Zen said they had big plans for her, so she's probably dead."

Tweek props himself up with one arm, "You can't be sure!"

"I know that. I also know that the more I get my hopes up, the more devastating it'll be if she's gone."

"Are you afraid of your emotions? Why don't you want to feel them?"

"It's scary. I don't like how painful the sinking chest feeling is."

"I guess that makes sense. Well, whatever happens, I'm here."

"Thanks, honey."

"Oh, pet names?"


Tweek kisses Craig's cheek and lies back down.


Craig meets Tolkien and Clyde for his morning workout.

Tolkien approaches Craig with a hopeful look, "So?"

"He said as long as we can map out a plan, then we can do it."

"I knew he would give in if his boyfriend asked."

Clyde perks up, "Woah! Woah woah woah! Slow down! Boyfriend?"

Tolkien smiles, "Craig, did you forget to tell Clyde?"

"I didn't forget, I just withheld the information."

"Dude! Who's your boyfriend?!"

Craig rolls his eyes, "Pretty obvious."




"This is why I didn't tell you. This energy is too much."

"This is huge news! We've all been waiting for so long!"

Tolkien joins in, "That's what I'm saying!"

Craig starts walking away, "Save the energy for the workout."


Later that day, Tweek takes Craig down to an observation room to test how his powers are reacting with his new emotional regulation. He is seated in a big metal chair and hooked up to scanners.

Tweek sits across from him, attached to a different set of scanners.

Wendy is leading the test. "You guys ready?"

Tweek and Craig nod.

"Okay. Craig, can you think of anything that will cause a strong emotion?"

Craig looks at Tweek.

Tweek nods, "It's okay. It's a controlled environment, you can do it."

Craig closes his eyes and does his best to draw a picture in his mind that might excite him. He thinks of a bunch of different things, but the one that sets it off is the image of Tweek laying underneath him, naked, with a sexual expression on his face.

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