Chapter 92

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After having lunch with Craig's mom. The two of them go back to working separately.

Stan and Tweek print out fake company IDs for their infiltration.

Tweek looks at his. "My name is Frank?"

Stan rolls his eyes. "And mine is Joe. I had to choose common names so we wouldn't be suspicious."



Craig works with Wendy all day as she tries various things to shut down the console, none of them work.

"Craig, I have a new idea. Based on how it's been reacting, nothing I try right now will work. We can't truly test it without having someone connected."

"So we need to hook someone up to this thing?"

"No, based on its proportions, this wouldn't connect to a person, I need something smaller."

"Like what?"

She looks at Craig. "You have a pet, don't you?"

"I'm not bringing Stripe into this. He's my ring man."

"Ring man?"

"He holds the rings at my wedding."

"Your ring bearer is a guniea pig?"


"He won't get hurt. I promise. We need this to get through."

"... fine. But I'll do it tomorrow. It's late anyway."

"Okay. You can get back to your room then."

"Thanks. Goodnight."



Craig stops by Tweeks office on his way back. "You still working?"

"I'm just about done. If you wanna wait for a few minutes we can go back together."


Once Tweek finishes his paperwork they go to the room.

Craig cuddles closely to Tweek.

Tweek smiles, "Extra clingy tonight."

"Be careful..."


"On your trip. Be careful. Please. I'll keep my phone close by so you can call me if you need anything at all..."

Tweek squeezes Craig, "Don't worry. We have instructions to stay low. We're just checking things out."


"I know. I'll be careful. I'm only gone for a few days, I'll text you every night, okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

"How are things going on your end?"

"So far we have nothing, but Wendy wants to try hooking someone up to it to test it better."

"As long as it's not you then I'm fine with it."

"She wants to use Stripe."

"I won't allow that either."

"It might be our only option. I don't want to do that to him either but Wendy says she can promise his safety..."

"Okay... but Stripe better still be here when I get back."


"Let's get some rest now. I have an early morning."


Craig and Wendy go to the roof with Tweek and Stan to say goodbye.

Craig hugs Tweek tightly, "Be safe..."

"Haha, I will. Keep an eye on things while I'm gone."

Wendy smiles and waves as the helicopter takes off.

Craig sighs and turns to her, surprised that she can smile at a time like this. "Are you not worried?"

"Pff- of course I am. I never stop worrying about Stan. Even when he's right in front of me. But that's just part of being in love. You have to accept that the worrying never stops. I'd bet both of them are worried about us right now too, even though we aren't the ones going out there."

"I guess you're right..." Craig looks up at the helicopter as it disappears into the sky, "Part of being in love."

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