Chapter 6

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Tweek opens the door again, "We would love to stay but I need to take him to his room so he can put his cage down."

They head out to the elevator and go to the penthouse's.

"Your room is right next to mine. If you ever need something you can just come find me. Here's your key. Once you're settled in come knock on my door and we can take the next step."

"What's the next step?"

"We get your image sorted out. You need a costume. There's a department for that."


Craig takes the key and disappears into his room.

Tweek enters his own room and plops down on his bed. He hates air travel and he felt really worn out. Jet lag was killing him.

After 30 minutes Tweeks doorbell rings. He opens it to see Craig.

"I'm done exploring my room. What else is on this floor?"

Tweek steps out and starts walking down the hall. "Follow me."

They approach a big wooden door. Tweek slides it open to reveal a sauna/hot tub area with two locker rooms.

"This is the recreational area. It was designed with powers in mind. The air in the sauna replenishes your power and relaxes you muscles and the hot tub does the same. We usually all come in here after big missions and relax together."

"Does that chick come too?"

"Her name is Wendy. And yes she usually comes with us."


"She's taken."


Tweek pats his back and turns back to the hall, "Once you get publicity you'll get plenty of girls who want to get with you. Trust me."

"Do you have girls throwing themselves at you?"


"So you have a girlfriend or do you just sleep around with all of them?"

Tweek keeps a blank expression. "Neither. Girls don't interest me."

"Oh... so you swing for the other team?"

"No. I just don't have time for that stuff. It's risky to date non power wielders because of my abilities. It could be dangerous."

"I guess that makes sense. I plan on finding a hot girlfriend."

"As long as it doesn't affect your work you can do whatever you want, just spare me the details."


"I've been meaning to ask, how does your power work? The anger one. Do you just summon anger into people?"

"No. I can see it. It's like an aura that surrounds someone. If someone gets mad I can see it build around them and I just picture that aura expanding."

"So you can see emotions?"

"Sorta. Mostly just anger. It's a bright red so it's easy to catch. Sometimes if another emotion is strong enough I can kinda see it but I can't control them."

"Have you tried?"

"Once, I tried to get a girl to like me more but it backfired."


"Maybe. How does yours work? Do you just picture lightning and it happens?"

"More or less."

"Got it."

They get in the elevator and go to the 5th floor for costume arrangements.

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