Chapter 72

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Bebe opens up a license plate database. She typed the plate in and waited for it to load. "You're sure they had Tweek?"


"Why would they want Tweek... was there any symbols on the car? Anything that could reveal the organization?"

"No... it was just a run down old van..."

"Okay... let's see here..." she scrolls through the database, "I don't see any watchlist reports on this... it was purchased four years ago by a man in Boston, Massachusetts."

"Does he still live there?"

"Let me see... It looks like he does. I have his name and adress here but..."

"But what?"

"We don't have a warrant. If we show up and he doesn't want to cooperate then there isn't much we can do..."

"Then let's just hope he wants to cooperate. I can make him talk. Send all of the info to my email. I'm going to talk to Timothy."



Craig finds Dr. Timothy in his office.

"Pardon my interruption, but I need to speak with you sir."

"Go on."

"Tweek has been kidnapped."

"By whom?"

"I'm not sure, it was three older men who attended the party. They somehow knocked him out and took him."

"How odd... we required company verification and approval to enter..."

"Bebe got the info on the vehicle they took him in. I can go over right now if you'll lend me air travel. Stan is waiting for Wendy to wake up so she can check the cameras. I suggest we act now before it's too late."

Timothy thinks for a moment. "Okay... but you must keep it on the low. We cannot have any media coverage of this."

"Of course sir."

"I can get you a helicopter in 5 hours."

"Understood. Thank you."


Craig goes back up to the meeting room. He sees Wendy awake and drinking a glass of water to try and sober up.

"Wendy! You're up!"

"Shh... she has a headache. Don't yell. I told her everything, she's almost got the footage up."

She points at the screen and leans back. "There."

Craig walks in more so that he can see the screen. It's the gala hall. Wendy has zoomed in on the wine table. They watch the play by play.

Craig and Tweek drink.
Craig leaves.
Three men approach.
A man slips a pill into Tweeks drink.
Tweek drinks again.
Tweek passes out.
The men take Tweek.

"Fuck... they roofied him? I shouldn't have left him there..."

Stan looks up at Craig, "So? What did the others say?"

"Bebe got the info on the owner of the vehicle. Timothy said he can lend me a helicopter in about 4 and a half hours to go over there."

"What will you do for 4 hours?"

"I'm gonna review the guest list. I'm gonna find out who these fuckers are so I know their names when I kill them."

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