Chapter 9

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When Tweek gets back into his room he slides down his door, curling up into a ball.

"I guess his power wore off... I'm feeling flustered again..."

He looks up at his ceiling fan. "Why would he just come in with no clothes... his thing was-"

He slaps himself in the face to get his mind straight.

He slowly stands up and lies back on the bed, he has a few hours until he needs to be anywhere, so he chooses to relax.

Tweek thought of texting Craig but he didn't have his number yet. He just had to hope that he remembered when the meeting was.


Tweek gets up and knocks on Craigs door. He answers and asks why Tweek is there.

"We have that meeting soon. You can't miss your first meeting."

"Oh, right, I'll be up in a minute. You can go before me so you aren't late."


Tweek goes to the meeting room for team A. Everyone but Craig is there already.

"Where's the new guy?" Wendy asks as she sets up her computer.

"On his way. Did you all read the document I sent?"

They all nod.


"Sorry I'm late." Craig walks in and sits next to Tolkien.

"It's ok, you weren't that late. Let's begin. Wendy, take it away."

Wendy clears her throat. "As most of you know I've been working on hacking into facility Dendra. They are the 5th largest facility and they altered toolshed. He's been helping me bypass their firewalls. I got in and found some valuable info. Apparently Dendra and most of the other facilities have hired the professor. He sends minions over for 24/7 guard. We can't get in quietly so we might as well draw them all out and take them down as a unit. Any questions so far?"

Craig raises his hand, "Who is the professor?"

"A super human who chose to work and manage for the scientists. He is our most powerful enemy. His power is elemental. He can do a lot of damage to the body and mind. He can turn teams against each other. It's very important we remain aware of his movements, he is the only one who could truly take down FP."

"So we just go to the facilities he's not at?"

"Yes. That doesn't mean we are safe from altered humans like ourselves. They still have enough people on their side to give us a challenge. We barely got out of the last battle. If Tweek hadn't been there in time we could all be dead right now. We need to have a clear plan."

"Got it."

"Good. Moving on, the facility layout."

Wendy explains the map of Dendra to everyone. Showing possible routes and employee locations.

"That's the rough draft for the plan. Tweek will explain what we all must do individually to prepare for an infiltration."

Tweek stands up and pulls out a pile of files.

"Okay. First, toolshed. Since you're the most well versed in the structure you're in charge of finding out how to manipulate the power system so we can get in safely. Take these files and look over them with Call Girl. Call girl will be on the roof keeping a Birds Eye view. Tupperware, you are to study the map of security. You need to take down sensors and cameras with your turret. Here's a map with known locations. Finally, Craig."

He turns to Craig and hands him an ear piece. "You're up front with me. This is a test run for you so you won't be doing too much, but I'll need you for fights. Can you manage to follow my directions to the letter as soon as I give them?"

"I think so."

"Perfect. You and I will prepare by going to the testing chambers daily to work out your abilities. Any questions?"

"No, I think I understand."

He turns to the rest of team A "You guys clear as well?"

They all agree and start studying.

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