Chapter 26

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Tweek pokes Craig to wake him up.

"Craig... We're here."

He sits up and yawns, "Okay..."

They all get inside. First, they are examined by the medical team, then scanned for any additional power, then they go to the meeting room.

Everyone sits down except Tweek. "I know you're all pretty worn out so let's make this quick. Going by the honor system first, can anyone tell me what you think you could've done better?"

Tolkien raises his hand. "I should've taken better care of my turret. Maybe I could've repaired it on the go as well."

"Good. Anyone else?"


"Alright, anyone have anything to say about something one of your comrades could have done better?"

Tolkien speaks again, "Craig got a bit cocky and was surrounded."

Craig perks up. "I totally forgot about that. I accidentally angered them with my power and they were on top of me in seconds."

Tweek jots a few things down on his clipboard. "Anything else?"

When no one answers he puts the paper down and smiles. "You all did amazing. Let's get some drinks."

At the bar, they find a booth to sit in. Clyde practically appears out of nowhere. "Guys! How was the mission?"

Stan makes room for Clyde at the table, "Good! We nailed it."

"Ah, nice! Team B is gonna have their panties in a knot."

"Cartman will, the rest of them don't really care."

The team orders a plate of nachos to share and some drinks. Craig just gets what Clyde suggests since he still hasn't learned his lesson. Everyone else orders based on their tolerance.

As expected, Stan, Clyde, and Craig get drunk. The other three each do their best to contain the drunk boys.

Craig faceplants on the table, almost knocking over the nachos. Tweek helps him up, "I should probably get him to his room. I'll meet you guys in the rec room in 30."

"Got it." Stan gives a thumbs-up while swaying back and forth.

Tweek drapes one of Craig's arms over his shoulder and takes him to his room.

"Craig, can you get out your key?"

"What a---abbout the recr *hic* rec room?"

"You're too drunk."

They unlock the door and Tweek plops Craig onto his bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Craig."

Before Tweek can walk away Craig pulls him down onto the bed.


"You said we would talk about what happened in the kitchen once we got back from the mission."

"How can you remember anything right now?" Tweek squirms to attempt an escape but Craig squeezes him harder.

"How could I forget?"

"We can talk about it now of you want but it may be a bad idea."


"You're probably going to forget everything, you're incredibly drunk."

"That so? What if I just do something I couldn't possibly forget?" Craig speaks slow to keep his words from slurring.

Tweek stops squirming and turns around on the bed, "What do you me-"

Craig grabs Tweeks face and shoves his lips to Tweeks.

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