Chapter 3

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A private plane comes to pick the boys up. Craig looks at it with surprise.

"Jesus, how rich is FP?"

"We have a lot of sponsors and we get paid to do big jobs. Get in, and be careful with that little guy."

Tweek points at the Guinea pig cage.

Craig holes it up, "His name is Stripe."

"Okay. Be careful with Stripe."

They both get on the plane and sit across from eachother.

"So, Craig. We have some things to discuss."

"Like what?"

"First, your code name. Something the public can call you."

"Does it matter?"

"Not too much. Obviously I didn't try too hard with mine. Anything works."

"How about Super Craig. Cause I'm a superhuman and my name is Craig."


A man comes by and hands Tweek a cup of coffee.

Craig raises an eyebrow, "Do I get some?"

"Ah, you don't want this. It's got meth in it."

"Why the fuck are you drinking meth?"

"Well, based on how worn out you look I assume you understand how difficult it is to have these powers. Everyone gets a fair bit of trauma with their power. And we all cope in our own ways. I self medicate."

"Doesn't that make you preform worse?"

"Worry about yourself."

"Fine. But I was wondering what exactly you do. What's your power?"

"Elemental. I heal. I can harness any kind of weather and use it against my opponent. I can do damage but I'm better as a healer. You will probably be our main damage dealer."

"I thought FP had a damage hero."

"We do but he's on team B. We are team A. Despite not having a big damage hero we are still above team B on the charts."

"Is there beef between the teams?"

"Sometimes. The leader of team B is a bit of an asshole so he causes trouble but we don't pay much mind to him."

"What classes are on the team?"

"Well I'm the only elementalist, and I do most of the healing. We have a cyborg in charge of defense, our strategist is a regular human and we have a Gadgeteer on long range attacks."

"So were you the main damage dealer?"

"We all put in some damage work, but we really did need a brutalist to take the front line."

"I guess at least I'm needed."

"You'll be an excellent addition to the team."

"How long have you been with FP?"

"Three years."

"Really? I've only seen you in the news for about 3 months."

"I took down someone with a lot of influence. I didn't want all the coverage but the paparazzi just kept coming. The doctor said it's good for our publicity so I'm doing my best to let it slide."

"The doctor?"

"Dr. Timothy. He runs the FP foundation."


"We should get some rest. This is a long flight. We can talk more about strategy and training when we get back to HQ."


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