Chapter 37

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Tweek sets a plate of delicious looking pancakes and syrup on the table infront of Craig. Then he sets out a cup of coffee.

"Peruvian blend."

"Seriously? Peru?"

"You don't like Peruvian coffee?"

"It's fine, I just have a bad history with the country of Peru."


"It's complicated."

"Okay then."

Tweek sits across from Craig and serves himself some food.


The team meets on the roof in full costume. Tweek hands everyone thier headband and earpiece . "The helicopter is running a bit late. This will be a 6 hour flight. Prepare for high altitude, we will be 4,265 ' above sea level so the air will be more dense."

Tolkien raises his hand, "Why does that matter?"

"The altitude makes it harder to breathe. Not by much, but doing a lot of movement will wear your lungs out faster."

The helicopter lands and everyone gets on. They sit in the same seats as they did last time. Tweek hands out new cyanide pills before taking his seat next to Craig.

"I hate long flights." Tweek groans

"Yeah, me too. At least this is better than an airplane. I can actually move my legs."

"That's true. Do you have enough room? I can scoot over a seat if you want."

"No, you can stay there. I like your company."

The helicopter lifts off, it's loud propellers ripping through the air.

Tweek gives Craig a sad smile.

Craig yells to be heard over the startup. "WHATS UP?"

"I'm in love with you."



Craig looks out the window at the landscape. Tweek watches him.

"Look at the city, it's so small from up here." Craig says once the helicopter quiets down.

Tweek doesn't take his eyes off Craig, "It is really beautiful..."


After a long and anxious 6 hours, the helicopter lands in the Salt Lake City airport, the capitol of Utah.

Craig stretches once they step foot in the airport. "Is there a reason we couldn't drop in the actual city instead of an airport?"

"There's nowhere to land in the city and it's illegal." Tweek says while searching for an exit sign.

"Why'd they have to build their facility in a big city like this..."

"Same reason FP did it. To hide in plain sight."

Tweek leads the way out of the big, confusing airport. Tolkien and Craig walk together in the back of the group.

"Hey, Craig. Tweek seems pretty anxious right now. Are you not suppressing?"

"That isn't anxiety. That's determination, he's ready for this. Much more confident than last time."

"I wonder why he's been in such a good mood lately." Tolkien side eyes Craig to watch for a reaction.

"I have no clue. I'm glad though."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"He deserves to be happy."

"You can make him happy, you know."

"How do you mean?"

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