Chapter 10

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Tweek and Craig enter the power testing chambers. It a long white hallway with virtual reality projectors every 5 feet.

"Ok, Craig. Put on one of these vests, it'll zap you if you get hit. The projectors will generate enemies. Some have powers, some don't. It's made to simulate a real battle so it's unpredictable. One hit will take them down. Our first test trial will be just me. You can sit back and watch so you get a feel for how it works. Then it's both of us, then just you. Got it?"

"Yeah. Should I just sit in the corner?"

"No, take the door to the left. It'll take you up some stairs to a viewing room where you can watch me."

"Okay. Good luck."

Craig exits the room and Tweek takes a deep breath. Once he sees Craig in the observation room he starts the timer.

A loud robotic voice echoes through the chamber.






A dozen glowing orange figures spawn and start running towards Tweek.

Craig watches anxiously from the observation room.

"He isn't doing anything? He's just standing there... is he okay?"

Craig squints to see the color surrounding Tweek.

"It's green... he's actually calm right now. Is he meditating?"

Tweek slowly raises an arm and opens his eyes. A figure jumps at him.

"Cmon Tweek... do something..."

Once the figure is a foot away from him, Tweek snaps his fingers. A burst of a dozen lightning bolts explode around him, making every enemy around him disappear.

"Holy shit..." Craig is in awe. He's never seen that much power before.

Tweek waves Craig back down.

"Do you understand how it works?"

"That was insane. How'd you do that?"

"Lots of practice. I can only use that move if I'm alone. If I do it near an ally I could kill them."

"I see. So you're gonna use different moves when we do it together?"



"Let's begin."

Tweek starts the timer again.

"I'm not gonna do much, I'll back you up if you get in trouble but try to take them down yourself."

"Got it."

The figures spawn and Craig balls his fists. He starts swinging at every figure that comes to him. He hits the first few but the 5th one gets him.

Tweek sends healing rain to him, "Walk it off, it's not over."

Craig nods and punches more. By the time it's over he had taken 4 hits.

"Okay. That wasn't bad for your first try. We definitely need to work on your fighting style. Using your fists is good but you should try incorporating your feet too. Plus we need to work on dodging. Think about that in your solo run. Are you ready?"


Tweek goes to the observation room. Once Craig sees him he smirks.

"Okay thunder boy, you're good. But watch this."

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