Chapter 33

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Tweek slaps Craig, sending him back a few steps. "Enough. I'm getting you home so you can sober up, then I'm making you promise me you'll never drink again. At least not without a good reason or occasion."

"Sleepy..." Craig hunches over.

"Damn it."

Tweek let's the girls know that he's taking Craig back.

When they get Craig's door open Tweek drops him inside. "Get some sleep."

"You're not coming in with me?"

Tweek thinks for a moment and then shakes his head. "No, I shouldn't. You're too drunk."

Tweek shuts the door and returns to his room.

When morning arrives Tweek waits by Craig's door. He comes out just before his morning training.


"Do you remember what you did last night?"

"Nah, I totally blacked out. Did you have to carry me back again?"

Tweek sighs, "Please don't drink anymore."

"What? Why? It's my choice to-"

Tweek grabs his hand and gives him a pleading look, "Please? It's important to me..."

Craig blushes "Okay. I'll stop. That stuff was nasty anyway."

"Thank you!" Tweek jumps up and hugs Craig.

Craig stands still for a moment, then he raises his arms to hug Tweek back. Squeezing him to his own body.

"Craig? I think we can end the hug now."

"Sorry, just a little bit longer. I haven't felt comfort like this since my mom got taken."

Tweek was surprised. Craig never mentioned his life before FP. He was always pretty vague.

"Okay. Then we can stay like this as long as you need." Tweek strokes the back of Craig's head. This was easy since Craig's forehead was on Tweeks shoulder.

Craig finally pulls away, and he puts a hand over Tweeks eyes.

"Craig? Why are you blinding me?"

"I don't want you to see my face right now."

Craig turns and walks away, Tweek watches until he disappears into the elevator.

He looks at his hands, then he hugs himself. His feet do a little pitter-patter and he lets out a squeal. A rush of pure, unaltered happiness.


The next meeting rolls around. They finally got their map.

Tweek lays out the paper map, "This mission will be harder than the last two. The building is a tower in the middle of a big city. If we aren't careful we could topple the building and kill thousands of civilians. Not to mention our entry and escape will have to be pretty fancy to remain undetected."

Wendy points to the map, "This is the 30th floor. The console is in here. Tweek and Craig have already helped to create an anti psychic headband. We will be wearing those the entire time, especially be careful on this floor. We will go in through a zip line we set up three buildings down in a banking office. It'll take some practice but we have a whole month."

"We're gonna practice zip lining?" Craig asks

"Yes, but it won't be as fun as you think."

Craig frowns.

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