Chapter 84

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Craig sits in the observation room that looks over the lab, he is out of sight but he can still see Tweek.

Wendy fills a syringe with the mystery cure and  injects it into Tweeks bicep.

Tweek stretches his arm out. "I don't feel any different. I told you I didn't need a cure, I'm fine."

Right after Tweek says that he passes out on the bed.

It doesn't take long for him to wake up, he looks around, confused.

Wendy calls through a handheld radio, "You can come in now."

Craig responds, "Uncuff him."

"Are you sure? He might attack you."


Wendy takes the cuffs off Tweek. Craig comes in and turns to Wendy. "Leave us."

"Okay. Call for help if anything happens." Wendy leaves.

Craig takes a deep breath and approaches Tweek. "How do you feel?"

"Who are you?"

Craigs heart drops. "I'm Craig? Your boyfriend..?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"You look a lot more like husband material to me."

"Oh my god. Did you just try to prank me?"

"Haha... maybe."

"You're back..."

"I am. Thank you, Craig."

Craig runs up to Tweek and hugs him. Lifting him up and spinning him around. "I love you so much. I missed you so fucking much."

"I love you too... I..." Tweek starts to cry, "I'm sorry I.... I hurt you... I didn't-"

"Hey, it's okay... I'm okay. Everything worked out, so stop crying..."

"I wanna go back to the room and sleep. All I've wanted this past week was to cuddle up in bed with you..."

"Let's go." Craig lifts Tweek up bridal style and carries him out of the room.

Wendy stops him, "Tweek? Are you better?"

"I am... thank you for taking care of me."

"Sure... why is Craig carrying you? Can you not walk?"

Craig continues past Wendy, "He can. We will be out of touch for a few hours."

Craig steps into the elevator. Tweek raises an eyebrow at him. "You really couldn't give just a bit more detail?"

"Nope. I'm in a hurry."

Tweek rests his head against Craig's chest, "You're so stubborn."

Once they get to Tweeks room Craig puts Tweek gently on the bed. Then he gets under the covers himself, holding Tweek close to his chest.



"I hope you know how much trouble you're in for that little stunt you pulled earlier. I almost had a heart attack."

"I know. You can get super mad at me after we sleep."


Tweek nuzzles his face into Craig's chest and closes his eyes. Safe at last.

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