Chapter 41

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A needle is injecting a green liquid into Craig's neck. "The..."

Eric smiles and gestures to the girl. "This is Heidi. She is the head of medical, but most importantly she is loyal to me."

The light brown haired girl steps forward. "The serum I just injected into you is a special compound I invented myself. Only I know the cure. No healing hero's can do anything about it, so unless you cooperate, there will be consequences."

Eric continues after her, "5 hours from now your body will start attacking its own cells, it will be painful. In 10 hours your body will shut down and you will die. You have until you're incapacitated to tell me the truth. Then we can give you the cure."


"I forgot to mention a side effect of the drug is slow speech. Better start planning out what to say."

"Sh... ve... you..."

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."

"I should've... just hit you..."

Eric makes an angry expression, "You're playing with your life Craig. I'll be waiting here when you realize the gravity of your situation."

Craig stumbles out of the room, his body felt like it was encased in needles. He gets in the elevator and selects the roof. There he slumps to the edge and sits down.

A dark figure appears next to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting away from it all."

"Me too."

Craig turns to see a blonde boy in a dark purple hero suit. Mysterion.

Mysterion holds out a pack of cigarettes. "Want one?"

Craig takes one, "Thanks."

The boys smoke in silence for an hour.

"You're Craig, right?"


"Why are you sulking up here instead of training or something? What's with all the gloom?"

Craig exhales a puff of smoke, "I just get the feeling I may not be around much longer."

"I get that too. Usually I just sleep it off."

"Good idea." Craig lies flat on his back.

"Are you gonna sleep now?"

"Might as well." He closes his eyes.


Craig opens his eyes, the bright sunset waking him. Mysterion was gone.

Craigs head was pounding. He checks his watch. It's been 6 hours.

"Hah... hahaha... am I really going to die? I guess I've been so... caught up in... all this.... I forgot I might die..."

He looks up at the white clouds dancing across the baby blue sky.

"I should... feed... stripe..."

Craig dizzily stumbles to his room and falls inside. His body was slowly starting to ignore his commands.

He goes to Stripes cage and opens it. Then he lays out a bunch of food.

"Eat up, li..ttle... guy. I you."


Tweek walks into Craig's room, "Your front door was open so I came in, is everything okay?"

"Oh, Twe...ek."

"Craig? What's wrong with you?"

Craig starts coughing.

"Craig? Do you need water?"

Tweek runs and gets a cup of water for Craig.

Craig's mind can barely hold a thought, but he was confused. It had only been 6 hours, he shouldn't pass out for another 3 or 4.

"Here! Drink!" Tweek holds up some water.

Craig holds the glass to his lips but coughs again. The entire glass turns red from the blood he had just coughed up.

"Craig?! CRAIG!!"

There's a loud thump as Craig's limp body hits the floor, and the glass shatters.

End of season 1

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