Chapter 19

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"Tweek, where are your keys?"

"Mmm... left pocket..." Tweek says through his daze.

"Got it."

Craig unlocks Tweeks room and brings him to his bed, tucking him in.

"Do you need anything before I go, or do you just plan on zonking out?"


"Haha, got it. Goodnight, Tweek."


In the morning Craig meets Tweek in the hall as he heads back from training.


"Hey, Tweek. Are you feeling better?"

"I am... uhm..."

Craig could see that Tweek was feeling embarrassed.

"Craig, I wanted to thank you... for bringing me back last night."

"No problem."

"Also... could you keep this all a secret from the team?"


"I don't want them worrying about me. They need to focus on the mission..."

"Okay. I won't tell anyone as long as you promise to slow down a bit."

"Okay. Thanks."


Time passes quickly, and the day before the mission arrives. It's a dark, stormy day.

The team meets for one final meeting. They had been physically training all week so after the meeting they had strict orders to rest.

Tweek stands at the end of the oval table in the meeting room.

"Tomorrow's the big day. We've done this before with less preparation, we should be just fine if we all keep our heads clear and stick to the plan, which we will go over one final time."

Everyone discusses what their part was and how to get to where they need to be. Stan was especially nervous. It's hard going back to the place that altered your life. Lots of bad memories.

Wendy spends the meeting right next to Stan, holding his hand to keep him comfortable.

Craig secretly works to keep Tweek a bit calmer than he would be. Just enough power to be undetected but still effective.

"Do you guys have any final questions?"

Everyone looks at each other and shakes their heads.

"Then go get some rest. Big day tomorrow. Thank you."

Everyone disperses except for Tweek and Craig.

"Craig, go get rest."

"I will, I'm just waiting on you."

"I'm fine here. I don't need rest right now."

"Then neither do I."

"Why are you being difficult?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Tweek takes a deep breath, "I just want to make sure the plan is perfect. Besides, I wouldn't be able to sleep with all this anxiety."

"Maybe you could. Maybe I can try to take it away."

"It's not close enough to anger, you wouldn't be able to control it."

"You never know. Just let me try. Please?"

"... Fine. But when it doesn't work I'm going to come straight back here."

"Okay, let's get to your room."


Tweek lies down on his bed and closes his eyes, "Go ahead."

Craig focuses his eyes on the color that was engulfing Tweek. He does his best to picture it shrinking down to the size of the other colors.

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