Chapter 43

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Craig was a tan boy. His skin was a few shades darker than Tweeks. This time, when Tweek saw Craig, his skin was lighter than Tweeks. That's what happens when you loose a lot of blood.

Tweek sits on the side of Craig's bed and places Stripe on Craigs chest.

"Hey, Craig, it's Tweek. I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to keep taking just incase you can. I put Stripe on your chest, he's waiting patiently for you to get better. We all are, I am especially. You're gonna be okay. I'm gonna find out what happened to you and I'm gonna fix this. You're a part of the team now, we can't loose you like this."

Stripe crawls up to Craig's chin and licks it.

"Aww, giving your dad a kiss?"

Tweek lifts Stripe up and whispers to him. "I want to give your dad a kiss too."

Stripe squeaks and Tweek puts him back on Craig.

Heidi walks in. "Well, if it isn't Tweek! How are you doing?"

Tweek forces a smile, "I've been better. Do you have any news on Craig?"

"We still can't be sure."

"Ah... okay. Thanks anyway. Are you here to check on him?"

"I am, would you mind stepping out? There's some things I need to check alone."

"Alone? Why?"

"Just trust me. I'm the head of the medical team, aren't I?"

"Yeah... okay, I'll leave you to it. I'll be back though."

Tweek picks up Stripe and leaves the medical floor. He takes the elevator up to the penthouses to search Craig's room for clues.

It looks the same inside as it did when he left, still blood and glass on the floor.

He puts Stripe in his cage and sets it up on the counter.

"Think, Tweek... what could've caused this... maybe he ate something bad?"

Tweek opens Craig's fridge. It's empty.
"Ugh, what did I expect."

Craigs room was still pretty empty, he didn't move much in other than blankets and charging cables.

On his nightstand Tweek finds the letter.

"Oh, shit... someone was threatening him? Why didn't he tell me..."


Tweek calls for an emergency team meeting.

Once everyone arrives he starts. "I've texted you all about Craig's condition. I investigated his room and found this letter."

Tweek projects the letter on the board.

Wendy opens her laptop, "I can check camera footage from the last two nights."


Tolkien raises his hand, "Hey, he actually came to me with that letter."

"He came to you? Was he asking for help?"

"No, he came cause he thought I did it, but when I told him I didn't he left me alone."

"Did he say anything about it?"

"He said he was gonna go, to kick the ass of whoever wrote it."

"So he went... okay, Tolkien, come with me, let's check out that room while Wendy and Stan get the footage."

They go to the meeting room, there's nothing special except for a camera. Tweek gets it and brings it down to Wendy.

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