Chapter 101

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Wendy tampers with the console that Stripe is attached to late at night. She does her best not to damage it, she wants to keep Stripe safe.

She takes her micro tools and finds a microscopic network of wires. She sees how each of them react to electricity. They're all different colors. The black wire is reacting differently from the others. She calls Craig.


"Sorry, did I wake you guys up?"


"Sorry, I just think I got a major breakthrough. Can you come down here while I still have my eyes on it? I don't want to loose this lead."

"Okay... gimme 30 minutes..."


Wendy waits with Stripe. Tweek and Craig come down wearing tee shirts and sweat pants. They both looked exhausted.

"Tweek? You didn't have to come..."

"I wanted to. I was awake anyway."

"Okay. Craig, come here. I need you to look through this microscope. There are small wires and I need you to see if they are reacting."


Craig let's go of Tweeks hand and goes to the microscope. He sees the wires. "They're all normal wires except for the black one. It has aura around it."

"I knew it... okay. I'm gonna poke at it with some electric signals. Watch how Stripe reacts."


Wendy pokes at it. "Anything?"

"Nah. He's staying the same."

"Okay." She looks up at the three. "I am 90% sure that if I cut that wire the console will shut down. It could free Stripe and take away its power. However, I'm not sure if it'll still explode."

"Is there any way we can turn that 90% into 100?"

"Not without cutting it."

Craig looks at Tweek, "What should we do?"

"We need the information... this could be exactly what we need to pull off the mission... but I'm worried about Stripe..."

"Yeah, me too."

Wendy hands Stripe to Tweek. "What if you use your healing power on him? A constant flow while I cut it. As a safety measure."

"Okay... Craig, I think it's worth a shot."

"...let me talk to Stripe first."

He takes Stripe and looks him in the eye. "Stripe, if you die, I'll kill you. So don't."

He hands Stripe back to Tweek. "Okay. Let's do it."

Tweek closes his eyes as he holds Stripe. His hands start to glow a warm green as he focuses his power.

Wendy puts on protective gear just incase it explodes. She takes her tools and gets ready to cut the wire. "Everyone ready?"

"Yes. Tweek is too. He's just focusing." Craig answers."

"Okay... cross your fingers..."

Craig and Wendy both hold their breath. Tweek tunes the world out.


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