Chapter 18

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"Do you?"

"...No I don't..."

"Then I guess it's not a problem."

The doors slide open. Half naked Stan and Wendy walk out and look at the two.

"You guys done?" Craig smiles

Stan rolls his eyes, "Obviously. It's all yours." He takes Wendy's hand and they disappear down the hall.

Tweek gestures to the open door.

"Do you want to join me, Tweek?"

"Thanks, but no. I have a lot to do."

"Like what?"

"Not much time until we start the mission. I have training to do and a mountain of paperwork to complete."

"Ah. Good luck then."

"Thanks. Bye." Tweek goes down the hall to the elevator and goes down.

Craig changes into his swimwear and sits in the sauna.

"So, apparently it feels better in here... he can't just tell me that and expect me not to try it out..."


After climaxing three times Craig decides he should probably clean up and leave. It felt too good and he was in there for too long, he would pass out if he stayed much longer.

Craig cleans up and goes back to his room to shower. The locker rooms had showers but he has an important hair care routine so he needed his product. He knew the chemicals would probably make him so bald some day but he liked the feeling of silky hair.

He gets out and towel dries his hair. He hasn't bought a hairdryer yet.

"Oh. That's something I should ask Tweek for."

He pulls out his phone to text Tweek but he still doesn't have his number. He decides to go next door and get it while it's fresh in his mind.

He knocks a few times on the door but no one answers.

"I guess he's not home... work hours ended 3 hours ago... where could he be? Maybe his office?"

Craig goes to the team A office floor and looks around. No one is on the floor and all lights are off except the one in Tweeks office.

Craig opens the door, "Sorry for barging in but I was-"

Craig stops when he sees that Tweek had fallen asleep on his desk, which is a mess of files and a dozen coffee cups.


Craig goes over and brushes the hair out of Tweeks face.

"Looks like your coffee didn't work. Poor guy, you must be really tired." He smiles at Tweek, then he quickly pulls away. "What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like he's a cute animal or something?"

Craig pokes Tweek to wake him up.


"Tweek, save the sleeping for your bed."

"No... too tired..."

Craig sees that Tweeks emotions are barely visible. "You must me incredibly worn out... can you stand?"


"Do you even know I'm here?"


"Come on, let's get you to your room. If you sleep like this you're gonna mess up your back."

"Cant... too tired..."

Craig sighs and puts his arms under Tweeks legs and shoulders, lifting him from the chair. He carries him bridal style out to the elevator, struggling to press the buttons.

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