Chapter 82

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"The Coon? Isn't that Eric Cartman? So he tries to kill me and now he wants to help? Yeah right, fuck that."

Craig crumples the letter and continues his work.

He can't seem to focus. The line 'I can cure him' kept appearing in his head.

"Fuck... if there's even a small chance he can help... I shouldn't pass this up... but it's Eric Cartman..."

He slams his head against the desk. "UGH!"

Wendy knocks on the doorframe. "Everything okay?"

Craig looks up, "Oh, hey. Yeah I'm good, just a lot of work."

"Yeah. I don't know how Tweek does it all. I guess he's just efficient."

Craig checks his watch, "Is it already time for the update?"

"Yes, if I may."


"He hasn't stopped making hostile remarks about you but he has started to calm down just a little bit. Tim says he can tell that Tweek is trying really hard to fight."


"That's all for now."

"No, tell me the basics too, I want to know if he's eating well, how are his stitches? Is he getting regular checkups? Staying hydrated?"

Wendy smiles, "You really care about him..."

"More than anything."

"Well, he is staying healthy, regular meals regular sleep schedule. We are keeping an eye on his stitches. A nurse is coming in tomorrow to clean them. Anything else?"

"No, that's perfect. Thank you."

"Not a problem. Oh, and I'll let him know you're rooting for him, he should be glad to hear you haven't given up yet."

"Thanks, have a good night."

"You too."

Wendy leaves and Craig takes a deep breath, "I should go..."

Craig puts on his jacket and gets on the elevator to go to the roof.

He still had 2 hours until the meeting time but he wanted to get there before Cartman just incase he tried anything funny.

After waiting for a long time, Cartman shows up in his hero costume.


"It's the Coon."

"Sure. Let's get to business. You said you can cure Tweek?"

"I can. I heard about his condition through the grape vine and I started working right away to make a cure. I think I may have it. Here, there's a few doses of my prototype in this bag. You can take it and test it before giving it to him. It should work."

Craig takes the bag. "Why are you giving this to me? What are your motives?"

"Craig, I may have messed up in the past but I've been doing a lot of changing recently. I'm not a bad guy. I just want to help."

"If you say so... I hope you know we aren't injecting this in him without putting it through hundreds of tests first."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope he gets better."

Cartman begins to walk away. He pauses and looks over his shoulder. "You owe me one." Then he vanishes.

"Pfft. 'No motives' my ass. I guess he just wanted me to owe him a favor. Whatever. If this could work I need to bring it down ASAP."

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