Chapter 11

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Craig starts his trial. He back up until his back hits the door. Once the enemies are all running at him he pushes off the wall as hard as he can, launching head first into the virtual figures. Every figure he hits disappears. He uses his fists to kill off the rest. Only getting hit 2 times.

Tweek comes down clapping. "Did you just head butt them to death?"

"Hell yeah I did."

"Very nice. Way to use your head, literally."

"Thank you."

Craig smiles at Tweek for the first time. Tweek found his smile appealing, his dimples added an air of charisma to him.

"Alright. I have a meeting with the boss and the leader of team B. Go to the 6th floor and give this paper to Clyde. He's the trainer. He will help you with your moves."

With that, Tweek leaves.


On the 6th floor a receptionist greets Craig.

"Hello sir! How may I help you today?"

"Hi, I'm looking for Clyde?"

"Oh, Mr. Donovan isn't accepting visitors right now."

"Uh, I'm not a visitor. Tweek sent me?"

The receptionists face goes red, "Tweek?! Oh, well I'll contact Mr. Donovan right away!"

She hurries to the phone.

"Alright, I've let him know you're here. So sorry about the misunderstanding."

"I guess Tweek is a pretty big deal around here."

"Well, he is the face of FP. Plus, he's super cute~ don't go telling anyone, newbie, but all us receptionist girls think he's just adorable... what we wouldn't give to get into his penthouse just once..."

"You know, I'm pretty powerful too. I'm his new apprentice."

"Really?! That's so cool!"


She leans forward, "So you could put in a good word about me with Tweek? The name is Allie."

Craig rolls his eyes, "Nevermind."

A deep voice calls out to him, "I wouldn't try to get with the recs. They all have it hard for Tweek Tweak."

"Who are you?"

A short muscular man with a brown man bun approaches him. "Clyde Donovan. Nice to meet you, newbie."

"Why does everyone keep calling me that??"

"We do it to all the new recruits, it's like a right of passage. It won't last forever so relax."

"If you say so, man."

"Come with me, we have a lot to talk about."

Craig follows the trainer. He didn't know why, but he felt a strong connection to this guy. Like they were best friends in a past life or something. At the same time, he felt annoyed by his presence. It confused him.

They go into an office that looks roughly the same as Dr. Timothy's but a bit smaller.

"Have a seat, Craig."

He sits down and gives the coach the paper from Tweek.

Clyde flips through the paper. "You know, I'm surprised he did all this for you. Usually I'm the one who assesses the newbies, he's never gone in the testing chamber with someone so new. He rarely goes in with other people period. He may be the poster boy but he's a loner for sure."

"Really? He's been super helpful, this is actually the first meeting I've been to without him there. He had a meeting to go to so he couldn't come with."

"Ah, the big one."

"Big one?"

"Every month there's a meeting for all the company heads. I used to go but Cartman decided my section wasn't important enough."

"Who goes?"

"Tim, Tweek, Cartman, Heidi, and Kenneth."

"I've met everyone except those last two, what do they do?"

"Heidi is in charge of medical research and Heath for all members. Kenny is a secret agent. He collects info in the shadows. You ever heard of Mysterion?"

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