Chapter 46

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"Oh, hey Kenny."

"Tweek? What are you doing up here? There's no missions today."

"I'm investigating. Craig came up here before he was hospitalized. Have you seen him?"

"I did see him a couple days ago. He came up here saying something about feeling close to death. I gave him a cigarette and he fell asleep. He seemed really out of it."

"Did he seem like he had a plan to jump?"

"No, he just needed some air I think."

"Weird... why didn't he talk to me..."

"He probably just didn't want you to worry."

"Maybe... or he doesn't trust me."

"Don't go down that road, don't doubt him until you know the truth."

"Right... thanks Kenny. And stop giving my team members cigarettes."



Wendy meets Tweek in the meeting room.

"Should you be here, Wendy? Is someone watching Craig?"

"Yeah. Doctor Heidi said she needed to check on him so we got pushed out, Stan is keeping watch."

"Okay, good. Any news on that camera?"

"Yes! It should be about done downloading now if you're ready."

"Let's get it up."

Wendy opens up to a black screen. "Weird... there's no video but there's audio."

"Okay... let's see if we can hear it..."


"This is Heidi. She is the head of medical, but most importantly she is loyal to me."

"The serum I just injected into you is a special compound I invented myself. Only I know the cure. No healing hero's can do anything about it, so unless you cooperate, there will be consequences."

"5 hours from now your body will start attacking its own cells, it will be painful. In 10 hours your body will shut down and you will die. You have until you're incapacitated to tell me the truth. Then we can give you the cure."


"I forgot to mention a side effect of the drug is slow speech. Better start planning out what to say."

"Sh... ve... you..."

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."

"I should've... just hit you..."

"You're playing with your life Craig. I'll be waiting here when you realize the gravity of your situation."

"Shit..." Tweek steps back.

"Heidi did this to him?"

"Who was that other voice?"

"I can't tell, the audio is too distorted..."

"Heidi did this... oh god, she's..."

Wendy's eyes widen. "She's in there with him right now!"

Tweek takes off sprinting to the medical wing.

Stan sees Tweek running to him, "Tweek? We aren't supposed to go in there right now."


He slams into the door, almost breaking it down.

He sees Heidi tampering with the IV. Tweek runs to her and pins her to the wall by her collar.


Stan pulls Tweek off Heidi, "Dude! Calm down! What got into you?!"

Tweeks chest heaves up and down, "She did this. She did this to Craig. It was her."

Stan looks up at Heidi, "Seriously?"

Heidi readjusts her lab coat. "You shouldn't be so rough with ladies, Tweek."

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