Chapter 50

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"Shh! Someone might hear you!"

"Sorry. But are you serious? You kissed him?"

Craig nods.

"Holy shit, finally."

"What do you mean finally?"

"I've been hinting to you that he likes you for so long but you're so oblivious."

"I think I knew he liked me... it was pretty obvious... I just, I think I was in denial. I really thought I was straight."

"Well, all of team A has been waiting for you two to hook up."

"Can you keep it a secret? I don't know if Tweek wants anyone knowing yet."

"No problem."

Wendy and Stan come in, followed by the still excited Tweek.

"Craig! Look at you! We thought you were a gonner!" Wendy smiles

"Can you still move okay?" Stan asks

"I don't know... I haven't tried yet."

"Then try!" Tweek moves the chair away from the bed.

Craig slowly scoots out of bed and stands up. "I can stand just fine..."

He takes a step forward and stumbles, catching himself on the wall with his arms, and trapping Tweek.

Craig looks down at the boy he just fell on and smiles. "Can I kiss you?" He whispers.


They kiss. Stan's jaw drops and Wendy gasps and giggles.

Tolkien sighs, "So much for keeping it a secret."

"Wh- since when- huh?!" Stan is absolutely flabbergasted.

Craig turns and smiles, not saying a word.

He continues to walk, stumbling a bit every now and then but Tweek is right by his side holding him up.

"I can walk fine, I just need physical therapy probably."

Stan and Wendy are still in awe. Craig laughs at their expressions, "You two can stop being surprised now."

"But you- the- I'm so confused!" Stan throws his hands up.

Tweek takes the time to explain what happened, even though it was embarrassing for him.

Craig sits back down to rest his legs, "By the way, how's Stripe?"

Tweek smiles, "Safe and sound! I went back to your room every night to feed him, he's doing well, but he misses you."

"Can you bring him next time you visit?"

"Of course."


The doctor examines Craig and does a few scans. He says everything looks okay but they're going to analyze the scans a bit more to be sure before he can leave.

Tweek and Stripe visit every day for a few hours around dinner time. They don't talk about anything specific, they just talk.

After a few days, the doctor comes back with the results.

Tweek stands up to greet the doctor. "Do you have news?"

He sighs, "I do..."

"What's the matter, doctor?"

"He is physically fine... but his emotions... it's like his emotional regulators cracked."

"That's what happened to me..."

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