Chapter 70

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"Tweek! Tell us, what is next for the FP foundations Team A?"

"Is this death related at all to the death of the previous member who died at a facility?"

"Can you tell us his cause of death?"

"Was this another failure on your part to protect your team members?"

"Do you feel you may have failed him as his mentor?"

Craig takes off his jacket and drapes it over Tweeks head. Then he starts guiding him through the crowd of cameras.

"Tweek? Is this new team member a close relation of yours?"

"Does Craig Tucker act as a body guard for Team A?"

Craig rolls his eyes and continues to push through until they lose the paparazzi in the gala room.

Craig takes his jacket off Tweek. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, I hate paparazzi."

"Yeah, they have no sense of shame. It's a funeral, can they have respect for one day?"

"It's alright, we got past it, let's enjoy the party."


Craig links arms with Tweek and they go to Stan and Wendy.

"How are you two holding up?"

Wendy smiles and holds up a wine glass. "Good thanks to these bad boys."

"Whatever works I guess." Tweek says.

Craig looks around, "Where did you get that wine?"

"Over there." Wendy points to a table in the back of the room.

"Perfect. Tweek? Wanna get a drink?"

"Ah, please. I need one or two of those."

They go to the wine table. Craig gets two glasses of red wine and gives one to Tweek.

"To Tolkien." He holds up his glass.

Tweek clinks his glass against Craig's, "To Tolkien. Cheers."

They both sip the wine.

Craig makes a sour face, "God damn, this stuff is bitter."

"Told you. It's a fancy bitter."

"Society tricked us into thinking this was good?"

"Haha, yeah."

Craig quickly finishes his glass and puts the glass away. Tweek still had a mostly full glass.

Craig kisses Tweeks forehead, "I'm gonna go hit the bathroom. Be back soon."

"Okay, I'll be here."

Craig walks away and disappears into the crowd.

"Tweek Tweak?" A raspy voice calls out.

Tweek turns around to see three men in suits. The one in the center is the one who called to him. He was a short, fat, old man with a beard.

"Hello. Do I know you?"

"Ah, pardon me for not introducing myself. My name is Dan. I work for a company that sponsors FP."

"I see. Well, Dan, thank you for your continued support, and thank you for coming to the funeral."

"Of course! Oh?"


The man points to the other corner of the room, "Is that the boy you were with before?"

Tweek turns his head to look for Craig. "I don't see him..."

The man on the left slips a small white pill into Tweeks wine glass, it quickly dissolves.

"Ah, my bad, must be seeing things. Care to toast to the late Tolkien Black?"

"Sure," Tweek holds up his glass. The man clinks his to Tweeks.

Tweek takes a couple sips.

"Do you enjoy this type of wine?"

"I... d...o..." Tweek found it difficult to form words. "I do... damn... am I already... drunk..?"

"Oh dear, you don't look so good, let us help you out for some fresh air."

"No... I need to find... Crai-"

Tweek passes out. The two men behind Dan catch him and prop him upright.

"Let's get going, boys."

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