Chapter 29

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"The fuck are you doing, Clyde?"

"Asking questions!"

"Stupid questions, we need to start training now."

"Are you going to answer my question?"



After training ended Craig saw Tweek in the hallway.


Tweek turned to him and as face turned red, "Hey..."

"Hey. Thanks for bringing me to my room last night."

"You're welcome. Do you remember anything?"

"Yes. You brought me back here, like I just said. Am I missing something?"

"No, that's all that happened."

"Are you feeling okay? Your colors are all over the place today."

"I just have a lot on my mind, don't worry."

"Okay. Are you headed to the gym?"

"No. I've got the rest of the day off."

"In that case, do you wanna hang out?"

"Sure. What do you want to do?"

"There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

Tweeks face goes red again, "What is it..?"

"Can we go somewhere private?"

"Yeah. Let's go to my place."

Tweek and Craig go into Tweeks room.

"You want a drink?"

"Yeah, just water is fine."

Tweek gets his coffee and a water for Craig. They sit at his table.

"So, what's up?"

"It's about the mission."

"Oh. What about it?"

"Well, this may sound crazy, but when we destroyed the console I saw something. Colors. The colors I see on people. It looked like it was in pain."

"Pain? That's impossible, it's an inanimate object."

"It is, but I know what I saw. We didn't just destroy it, we killed it. Do you have any idea why it would react like that?"

"I don't..."

"It worries me... what do you think they could put in there to make it react like in that?"

"Not sure... Dr. Timothy knows a lot more about them than I do. We should talk to him. This could be useful information."

They go to Dr. Timothy's office, luckily he's there.

"Dr. Timothy, sorry for dropping in on short notice but we have some new info we are curious about."

"Continue." Dr. Timothy echoes through both of their minds.

Tweek looks at Craig, "Go ahead."

Craig repeats everything he told Tweek.

"Interesting... this could be useful information... I'm giving you two a special mission. Please keep it between you two. Your next group mission will be against facility Sven.  I need you two to pick up some debris of the console after you destroy it. Bring it back and we can run tests. You can tell the team that you need to obtain a piece but don't tell them why. We need to keep this under wraps until we know exactly what's going on."

"Yes, sir."

They exit the office and Tweek sighs, "I hate keeping things from the team."

Craig holds Tweeks hand, making him blush, "It'll be okay. Just tell them we have orders to keep it secret, they'll understand."

Craig lets go of his hand and starts to walk down the hall.

Tweek stares down at his hand, "So warm..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Let's get back to the room."

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