Chapter 39

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"Turret ready to fire."

The team stands back and watches the explosion. Then they cheer.

"Nice! 3 down!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Let's get out of here." Stan takes Wendy's hand.


Everyone but Tweek and Craig start toward the escape route.

"So?" Tweek glances at Craig.

"Yeah. I saw it again."

"Okay, then let's get a sample."

They dig through debris and find a laptop sized portion to hide in Tweeks backpack.


The console sample is put into a testing lab as soon as it arrives. Tweek and Craig get congratulations from Dr. Timothy before going upstairs with the intent of passing out from the long day.

Right before Tweek lies down, he calls Craig.

"Hello? Tweek? Why are you calling me?"

"Just wanted to clear my head a bit before I sleep, I don't want nightmares."

The real reason was that he wanted to hear Craig's voice.

"Ah, okay."

"Are you feeling okay after the mission?"

"I feel fine. That one was super easy. I hope the others are like that too."

"Unfortunately that was the only one that only specialized in Psych."

"That's too bad. At least I have comfort in knowing you have that overpowered lightning trick up your sleeve."

"Haha, you really think it's overpowered? I can't even use it if the team is around, and if I use it multiple times in a row it electrifies my blood for a whole day."

"The price to pay for that crisp power."

"Is crisp a compliment?"

"Only if you want it to be."

Tweek giggles, "then I'll take it as a compliment! Thank you, kind sir."

"Tis' my pleasure, your majesty." Craig mocks an English accent.

"Pfft! Since when do you change the tone of your voice? I've only ever heard you monotone, I didn't think you could joke like this."

"Haha, I don't know. I guess I'm just comfortable around you."

Tweek lies on his stomach and kicks his feet as they talk. "I'm glad! I'm comfortable with you too. It's nice to have someone close here..."

Craig yawns. "I agree."

"Are you tired?"


"Okay. Then I'll see you around. Goodnight Craig."

"Night." Craig hands up.

Tweek keeps the phone to his ear for a second. "I love you..."

He sighs and rolls onto his back. "Love... how strange..."


Tolkien and Craig start combining their workout sessions. They got to know each-other more on the flight back from Utah while Tweek slept. They got to talk about the organization they both got altered at and it turned out they had a lot in common.

After a rough workout together they go to the sauna.

"I can't believe we never saw eachother around the facility! Zen wasn't too big." Tolkien says as he wraps a towel around his waist.

"I was kept separate, they were doing tests on my entire family, so they kept us isolated."

"They ran tests on a whole family?"

"Everyone but my mom. I never figured out where she went."

"Sorry to hear that... they kept the rest of us in shitty white dorms. It was like a mental hospital."

"I can't wait to take those assholes down."

Tolkien laughs, "you can say that again!"

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