Chapter 67

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Craig takes Tweek out to a 5-star restaurant downtown.

Craig ordered a steak and Tweek ordered a soup.

Craig holds up the drink menu. "Should we order wine?"

"No, we may get away with that back at FP, but we're in the real world so we gotta follow the rules."

"Bummer... I've always wanted to try wine."

"There will be some at the funeral. Tolkien always said he wanted his funeral to be a party so there's drinks and food."

"Right, I forgot about that. I guess I can wait a week to try wine."

"It's really not that good."

"Neither is beer, but people drink it anyway."


"Oh, I was wondering if you could hook me up with a tailor or something. I need a suit."

"There's always Bebe. She makes suits."

"I don't like her energy..."

"Would it help if I came with?"

"No. She totally has a thing for you, I don't like it when other people look at you like that."

Tweek smiles, "Jealous?"

"Of course I am. You're a fucking catch. I'm so lucky to have you so I don't want some other person trying to win you over."

"Craig, I've never liked anyone other than you."



"Not even as a kid?"

"No. I thought I was asexual for a while cause romance just didn't interest me. Until I met you, that is."

"I guess I'm one lucky guy then."

"I am too..."

"Can I tell you something, Tweek?"

"Go for it."

"I think I have a crush on you."

Tweek rolls his eyes. "I love you too, babe."

Craig laughs.

"You... just laughed..."

"Oh, I guess I did."

"I haven't seen you laugh in over a month..."

"It's all thanks to my cute boyfriend."

"Oh, stop!"

"You love me."

"I do."


Once they finish dinner, Tweek and Craig go back to Craig's condo.

Craig throws his keys on a table and lifts Tweek up.

"Ah!" Tweek playfully screams. "Where are we going?"


Tweek giggles and kicks his feet to try and throw Craig off balance.

Craig throws Tweek onto the bed and takes off his shirt. "I want to properly thank you for being here for me."

"Pfft- like this is 'proper'."

"It is to me. Now just sit back and relax..."

Craig removes Tweeks clothing and takes a moment to admire his physique.

"You are beautiful... every part of you is just gorgeous."

Tweek covers his face with a pillow. "Don't stare at me! It's embarrassing..."

"So cute..."

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