Chapter 20

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Tweek wakes up to see Craig asleep next to him.

"I guess it worked, but why are you asleep?" Tweek sits for a moment and watches Craig sleep. "I don't get you. I can never tell what your motives are."

He stares at the bump on his nose, it's the first time he's noticed it.

Craig groans and opens his eyes. "Oh, hey Tweek..."

"Hey. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah... did you?"

"I actually did. Thanks. When did you fall asleep?"

"Hmm... I don't really know, I just remember helping you get to sleep and then I got really tired."

"Interesting. Maybe a side effect of your power?"


"I guess you're still tired. You can sleep more if you want."

"What time is it?"

"8 pm."

"Then we should eat. Can I eat here? I haven't got anything in my fridge."

"You don't? What have you been eating?"

"I've been going to the cafeteria downstairs."

"Well, okay. You can eat here, let me go see what I have."

They both get up. Craig sits at the kitchen table as Tweek looks through his fridge.

Craig looks around, "You know, one of the receptionists told me she would do anything to get in here with you."

"Is that so?" Tweek sounds uninterested.

"Doesn't that excite you? A group of girls want to get in bed with you and it doesn't make you at least a little happy?"

"Not really." Tweek sets a cup of water in front of Craig.

"Are you sure you aren't fruity?"

"I don't think I am."

"Have you ever liked a girl?"

"Don't think so."

"Have you ever liked a guy?"

"Don't think so."

"Mind if I try something?"


Craig stands up and walks over to Tweek, trapping him in a corner. He leans forward, blocking all the light from Tweek.




Crag steps away and smiles, "You should rethink your answers."

Craig sits back down and Tweek slides to the floor.

"Are you okay, Tweek?"

"What was that?!"

"I just wanted to see how your emotions would change if I did something like that."


"Calm down."

Tweek takes a deep breath, "Okay..."


"So... how did I react? I can barely tell what I feel anymore."



"Do you remember what that means?"

"... I do."

Tweek stands up and continues his work on dinner. "Let's forget about this until after the mission... I don't want us messing up because of it... just ignore it and we can discuss it after we return..."


Craig did his best to remain calm, but his heart was racing.

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