Chapter 71

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When Craig returns to the wine table, Tweek is nowhere in sight. He goes to Stan and Wendy, "Hey, have you guys seen Tweek?"

Stan is holding Wendy up, she is drunk. "No, dude. He was with you last time I checked."


"Maybe he went to the bathroom?"

"That's where I just was."

"You could've passed each other. Try calling him."

Craig goes out to the balcony so he can hear his phone. He takes it out and calls Tweek.

"Boss, his phone is ringing."

"Throw it out."

Craig looks down to see three men carrying Tweek into a white van.

"SHIT!" Craig leaps over the rail and off the second floor balcony. "STOP!"

The men see Craig sprinting towards them and they pick up the pace. "Hurry! That's an FP member! Go!" The doors to the van slam shut and the tires screech against the pavement.

"NO!" Craig runs as fast as he can after speeding car. "NO! DAMNIT!"

He was falling too far behind. He wouldn't catch up.

He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the license plate just before the car turns a corner.

Craig falls to his knees, completely out of breath from sprinting. "FUCK!"

He punches the road, causing cracks to spiderweb out from where his fist hit the asphalt.


Craig drags Stan and Wendy upstairs to the meeting room.

Stan is doing his best to hold Wendy upright. "Craig? What's gotten into you? I was about to take Wendy back to the condo cause she's so wasted..."

"They took Tweek."


"There were three men, older men. I've never seen them before, but I caught them sneaking Tweek into their van."

"What? And he wasn't resisting?"

"He wasn't conscious."


"Here, I got the license plate number. Can you guys look at the security cameras while I find where this plate belongs to?"

Stan looks at Wendy, then back at Craig, "Wendy is the only one with access to the security footage, and she's passed out right now."

"Damn it..."

"Go run the plate numbers. Then go to Tim, he needs to know what happened. I'm gonna stay with Wendy until she wakes up and I'll tell her everything. Okay?"

"Okay... is there anyone here who can track plate numbers?"

"Yeah, Bebe Stevens used to be on the police force, she can help you."

"Got it." As much as Craig didn't want to see Bebe, he was willing to do anything to find Tweek.

Craig goes back to the gala area. It's cleared out a little bit, the reports left. He looks around until he finds a puff of blonde curly hair.

He makes his way over to Bebe. He takes her by the wrist and pulls her into an office. "Bebe."

"Craig, sorry but I'm not interested in you like that..."

"Shut up. It's Tweek. Someone kidnapped him."

"What?! He was just here a minute ago..."

"Yeah, it just happened. I couldn't catch the car but I got a picture of the plate. I need your help to track this car down."

"Of course! Come on, let's go to my office. I have some equipment there."

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